Actinolite (looks like black tourm cluster with white)
Actinolite brings the body functions into harmony and balance. Actinolite can effect the color vibration of other stones and enhances their overall effectiveness. It stabilizes the physical crystallization process (a process that anchors either a positive or a negative 'now' consciousness). Crystallization is that absolute moment, that absolute process. Actinolite can restructure the cells into a positive crystallization. Actinolite helps strengthen the processes of the physical body, and allows it to accept what has taken place. It encourages the spirit to explore new directions, and gives awareness if you have strayed from your original goals. It promotes a feeling of self-worth and strength and encourages inner balance and patience. It helps instigate the balance process of emotional and physical acceptance, and produces the openness and the well-being that allows you to be available and receptive to Divine energies. It is a protective shield which repels ones own negative thoughts. This is particularly true of black actinolite. Actinolite assists the body to adjust to changes or traumas. Actinolite is an excellent stone for psychic shielding, as it expands the aura and crystallizes its edges, connecting you to higher awareness while bringing body, mind, psyche and spirit into balance. An effective aid to visualization and imagery.
Actinolite brings the body functions into harmony and balance. Actinolite can effect the color vibration of other stones and enhances their overall effectiveness. It stabilizes the physical crystallization process (a process that anchors either a positive or a negative 'now' consciousness). Crystallization is that absolute moment, that absolute process. Actinolite can restructure the cells into a positive crystallization. Actinolite helps strengthen the processes of the physical body, and allows it to accept what has taken place. It encourages the spirit to explore new directions, and gives awareness if you have strayed from your original goals. It promotes a feeling of self-worth and strength and encourages inner balance and patience. It helps instigate the balance process of emotional and physical acceptance, and produces the openness and the well-being that allows you to be available and receptive to Divine energies. It is a protective shield which repels ones own negative thoughts. This is particularly true of black actinolite. Actinolite assists the body to adjust to changes or traumas. Actinolite is an excellent stone for psychic shielding, as it expands the aura and crystallizes its edges, connecting you to higher awareness while bringing body, mind, psyche and spirit into balance. An effective aid to visualization and imagery.
Adamite (green slate like cluster)
Adamite blurs the boundaries between the heart and mind allowing them to work together towards conscious outcomes. It provides inner strength when dealing with emotional issues and helps us vocalize our feelings. Adamite provides us with courage to step into the unknown, helping bring prosperity through business and helping us to attain material objects. It also inspires fresh, often left field thinking, which allows us to try new things.
Adamite blurs the boundaries between the heart and mind allowing them to work together towards conscious outcomes. It provides inner strength when dealing with emotional issues and helps us vocalize our feelings. Adamite provides us with courage to step into the unknown, helping bring prosperity through business and helping us to attain material objects. It also inspires fresh, often left field thinking, which allows us to try new things.
Aegerine (black tourmaline in white matrix)
Aegerine is a high energy stone that is often used for energizing. It is said to protect against psychic attacks and negative energy. Emotionally, it is used in energy healingl for broken relationships, eliminating group pressure, and strengthening self-acceptance. It is said to help build self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and helps follow your heart. Aegerine is associated with the root and solar plexus chakras. Mystical and spiritual healing lore indicates that aegerine is excellent for the immune system, making it great for general healing and helping the body heal itself.
Aegerine is a high energy stone that is often used for energizing. It is said to protect against psychic attacks and negative energy. Emotionally, it is used in energy healingl for broken relationships, eliminating group pressure, and strengthening self-acceptance. It is said to help build self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and helps follow your heart. Aegerine is associated with the root and solar plexus chakras. Mystical and spiritual healing lore indicates that aegerine is excellent for the immune system, making it great for general healing and helping the body heal itself.
Agate is a good protective energy stone, especially for children, and very calming and soothing. It is also said to help strengthen the body's connection to the earth. It is said to mystically give courage, energy, strength, and dispels fears, all of which increase self-confidence. It is said to lessen feelings of envy by grounding the emotions. Agate is also used in crystal emotional healing for resolving bitterness and resentments. It is also called and believed to be a stone of harmony. These two factors makes it a stone that's said to help improve and harmonize relationships. Also, by bringing the elements of one's being into harmony it greatly enhances healing. Agate also enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect. Agate is considered a stone that brings good luck. It works with chakra according to stone color.Agate protects your boundaries.
A very grounding stone that creates a feeling of safety and security, Harmonizes Yin~Yang. Bury small agates at each corner of your boundary and either side of your gates. Heals a broken heart. A stone of strength and courage. Spiritual growth.
A very grounding stone that creates a feeling of safety and security, Harmonizes Yin~Yang. Bury small agates at each corner of your boundary and either side of your gates. Heals a broken heart. A stone of strength and courage. Spiritual growth.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquility. In metaphysical lore it is said to assist in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with angels and activating the throat chakra. It is also said to ease the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. It is an inspiring stone that can assist in inner atunement, and has been used to perform miracles according to mystical lore. As with all agates, it is said to be a protective stone. Physically, in crystal healing, it has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches, colic, digestive issues, growth, throat, immune system, skin especially eczema, and bones. Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air.
Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquility. In metaphysical lore it is said to assist in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with angels and activating the throat chakra. It is also said to ease the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. It is an inspiring stone that can assist in inner atunement, and has been used to perform miracles according to mystical lore. As with all agates, it is said to be a protective stone. Physically, in crystal healing, it has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches, colic, digestive issues, growth, throat, immune system, skin especially eczema, and bones. Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air.
Dendritic Agate (opaque with fern like inclusions)
Dendritic agate is known as the stone of abundance- in all aspects, both material and spiritual. It helps in creating a peaceful environment and in taking pleasure of every moment in life. It helps in opening and aligning the chakras and staying tuned with our roots.
It also brings stability, persistence and the ability to see every difficulty as a challenge that is possible to be faced and fought. It also heals geopathic stress that is believed to be the source of many illnesses as it weakens the immune system.
Dendritic agate is known as the stone of abundance- in all aspects, both material and spiritual. It helps in creating a peaceful environment and in taking pleasure of every moment in life. It helps in opening and aligning the chakras and staying tuned with our roots.
It also brings stability, persistence and the ability to see every difficulty as a challenge that is possible to be faced and fought. It also heals geopathic stress that is believed to be the source of many illnesses as it weakens the immune system.
Fire Agate
Symbolizes the spiritual flame of "absolute perfection within"
Helps to dispel inner fears and all that does not suit you on your path to enlightenment
Encourages you to be the very best you can be
Teaches you to go within for the answers and to receive inspiration
Helps bring clarity to sight and enhances night vision
Assists in treating disorders of the circulatory and nervous systems
Symbolizes the spiritual flame of "absolute perfection within"
Helps to dispel inner fears and all that does not suit you on your path to enlightenment
Encourages you to be the very best you can be
Teaches you to go within for the answers and to receive inspiration
Helps bring clarity to sight and enhances night vision
Assists in treating disorders of the circulatory and nervous systems
Fire Agate
Crab Fire Agate is a type of Spiderweb Carnelian Agate. As such, it shares the properties of Carnelian. Carnelian is an agate class of chalcedony that is a stone of creativity, individuality and courage. Like all agates, it has protection energies. It can aid memory, including recall of past lives. It can assist one in finding the right mate. It is also a stone of protection in general and from anger, jealousy and fear. In addition it can help with manifestation of one's desires, and brings good luck. Carnelian can help ease or remove sorrows. It also helps stabilize energies in the home. It is sometimes called the "actor's stone". Carnelian is associated with the root and sacral chakras. Physically, carnelian has been used to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism, kidney stones and other kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies, and neuralgia.
Crab Fire Agate is a type of Spiderweb Carnelian Agate. As such, it shares the properties of Carnelian. Carnelian is an agate class of chalcedony that is a stone of creativity, individuality and courage. Like all agates, it has protection energies. It can aid memory, including recall of past lives. It can assist one in finding the right mate. It is also a stone of protection in general and from anger, jealousy and fear. In addition it can help with manifestation of one's desires, and brings good luck. Carnelian can help ease or remove sorrows. It also helps stabilize energies in the home. It is sometimes called the "actor's stone". Carnelian is associated with the root and sacral chakras. Physically, carnelian has been used to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism, kidney stones and other kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies, and neuralgia.
Holley Blue Agate (lilac/blue)
Considered a stone of spirituality, it can open the mind and body to a greater spiritual connection and to new ideas and it can be useful for channelers; it is also associated with communication and expression.
Considered a stone of spirituality, it can open the mind and body to a greater spiritual connection and to new ideas and it can be useful for channelers; it is also associated with communication and expression.
Moss Agate
Moss agate is sometimes called the "gardener's stone" due to its mystical properties of helping ensure a full crop. In addition to a full crop, moss agate is said to bring general abundance, success, and prosperity. It is also said to help one gain peace with extreme or excessive duties in life and brings self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Moss agate is also said to be a metaphysically protective stone, as are all agates. It is said to reduce the difficulties associated with overcoming addictive behaviors. Moss agate is associated with the heart chakra, which indicates stone of compatibility and friendship. It is also believed in crystal healing to help improve circulation, enhance healing of all types, overcome digestive or intestinal disorders. Green moss agate is said to assist in finding hidden treasure, and be a stone of prosperity.
Moss agate is sometimes called the "gardener's stone" due to its mystical properties of helping ensure a full crop. In addition to a full crop, moss agate is said to bring general abundance, success, and prosperity. It is also said to help one gain peace with extreme or excessive duties in life and brings self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Moss agate is also said to be a metaphysically protective stone, as are all agates. It is said to reduce the difficulties associated with overcoming addictive behaviors. Moss agate is associated with the heart chakra, which indicates stone of compatibility and friendship. It is also believed in crystal healing to help improve circulation, enhance healing of all types, overcome digestive or intestinal disorders. Green moss agate is said to assist in finding hidden treasure, and be a stone of prosperity.
Turitella Agate
Turitella (Turitella agate) is a protective stone. It is especially good protection against spells. As with all fossils, it can help increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas. Traditionally, Turitell has been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments of the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.
Turitella (Turitella agate) is a protective stone. It is especially good protection against spells. As with all fossils, it can help increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas. Traditionally, Turitell has been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments of the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.
Ajoite (quartz type cluster with blue and yellow)
Ajoite is known in the metaphysical world as a stone of peace and harmony. It is said to help release and overcome sorrow, anger, fear, and heal old emotional wounds. Ajoite is also said to help connect to the Higher Self and God/Universe/Goddess/All That Is, and be excellent for meditation. Ajoite is noted in metaphysics to be able to remove and release negative energies from the physical, emotional, and etheric bodies. It is said to act as a stone of transformation, bringing change and growth. Ajoite is related to and excellent for work with the throat and heart chakras. Ajoite is a great stone for spiritual healers and spiritual seekers, and is said to be a very powerful healing booster. Ajoite is usually related to the throat and heart chakras.
Ajoite is known in the metaphysical world as a stone of peace and harmony. It is said to help release and overcome sorrow, anger, fear, and heal old emotional wounds. Ajoite is also said to help connect to the Higher Self and God/Universe/Goddess/All That Is, and be excellent for meditation. Ajoite is noted in metaphysics to be able to remove and release negative energies from the physical, emotional, and etheric bodies. It is said to act as a stone of transformation, bringing change and growth. Ajoite is related to and excellent for work with the throat and heart chakras. Ajoite is a great stone for spiritual healers and spiritual seekers, and is said to be a very powerful healing booster. Ajoite is usually related to the throat and heart chakras.
A rare gemstone thought to have regenerative gifts
Enhances a reawakening of both The Inner and Outer selves
In crystalline form, aids tremendously in helping one to manifest.
Can help to balance mental, emotional and etheric bodies, and reinforce self-esteem
Aids in the treatment of diseases associated with the testes,
spleen, pancreas, nervous system and leukemia
A rare gemstone thought to have regenerative gifts
Enhances a reawakening of both The Inner and Outer selves
In crystalline form, aids tremendously in helping one to manifest.
Can help to balance mental, emotional and etheric bodies, and reinforce self-esteem
Aids in the treatment of diseases associated with the testes,
spleen, pancreas, nervous system and leukemia
Alexandrite is a heart chakra stone discovered in Russia. They believed that it was a stone of good fortune. It is said that it brings through joy and emanates a feeling of rapture when you have it on you. It is helpful to let go of grief and continue on after misfortune. It has an unusual quality that it changes color... being reddish color under artificial light and green or blue green in daylight.
Alexandrite is a heart chakra stone discovered in Russia. They believed that it was a stone of good fortune. It is said that it brings through joy and emanates a feeling of rapture when you have it on you. It is helpful to let go of grief and continue on after misfortune. It has an unusual quality that it changes color... being reddish color under artificial light and green or blue green in daylight.
Amegrin - Purple Amethyst and Green Quartz Together
Very powerful at drawing money - especially in business and/or investment.Wonderful for calming and soothing along with calming fears and reducing stress. Look for this stone to help increase "luck" and can add a little energy to magickal powers.
Amegrin - Purple Amethyst and Green Quartz Together
Very powerful at drawing money - especially in business and/or investment.Wonderful for calming and soothing along with calming fears and reducing stress. Look for this stone to help increase "luck" and can add a little energy to magickal powers.
Amethyst promotes love, spiritual wisdom and intuition. Enhances memory and improves motivation. The crystal lends courage to the wearer and is protective for travellers. Assists in relief of headache. Has a very calming and comforting influence. Ideal for meditation and enhancing psychic abilities.
Ametrine is a blending of Amethyst and Citrine and provides and enhances a clear connection between the physical body and the ultimate state of perfection Stimulates the intellect and helps disperse negative energy from the aura, while filling it with white light Aids in the release of negative emotional programming Corrects and stabilizes the RNA/DNA structures within the body
Ammolite is fossilized ammonite that has been compressed under great pressure beneath the ground, which is what gives it its wonderful colors. Ammolite is said to radiate positive Earth energy, and to bring good luck and prosperity. It is also said to grant miracles. Ammolite is excellent as a tool for deep meditation. Ammolite is also used mystically for general good health, stamina and high energy.
Anandalite (looks like quartz)
(?) not much known about this yet!
(?) not much known about this yet!
Andean Opal (Peruvian Opal) (blues)
Blue Peruvian (Andean) Opal is mystically known as a stone of courage and ingenuity. It is said to improve self-esteem and self-love. It is also said to be an aid to creativity and communication of all types. It is reputed to help one find a confidant. Peruvian blue opal is also said to help with stress reduction, fatigue, and weight loss. Crystal healing lore reputes that Peruvian (Andean) blue opal is physically healing for fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, metabolic balance issues, iron absorption, dizziness, and brain disorders. Blue Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the throat chakra.
Blue Peruvian (Andean) Opal is mystically known as a stone of courage and ingenuity. It is said to improve self-esteem and self-love. It is also said to be an aid to creativity and communication of all types. It is reputed to help one find a confidant. Peruvian blue opal is also said to help with stress reduction, fatigue, and weight loss. Crystal healing lore reputes that Peruvian (Andean) blue opal is physically healing for fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, metabolic balance issues, iron absorption, dizziness, and brain disorders. Blue Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the throat chakra.
Angelite. This stone is formed from celestite that has been compressed for many millions of years. Angelite is a stone of heightened awareness, with special focus on peace and brotherhood. It gives protection in the environment around your body. Promotes compassion and understanding Helps you to speak the truth when this is difficult Alleviates psychological pain Enhances astrological understanding Increases telepathy Facilitates contact with angels Healers use angelite to unblock energy pathways. It can be used for relief from throat inflammations, and to balance the thyroid. Angelite also repairs and soothes tissues and blood vessels. It is very useful for weight control.
Amazonite soothes all Chakras and is excellent for the Heart and Throat Chakra. Enhances communication to do with love. Aligns physical, astral and etheric bodies, bringing balance. Provides extra courage at challenging times. Good for the nervous system.
Amazonite is a mint green to aqua green stone said to be of truth, honor, communication, integrity and trust. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect, and psychic ability. Amazonite is often associated with the throat chakra, and as such, said to be beneficial to communication. It is said to align the physical and astral bodies. It is noted mystically to lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem. Amazonite is also said to assist with peacefully making the transition out of this life. Amazonite is believe in crystal healing to heal emotional disturbances and the after effects of emotional trauma. It is reputed to have spiritual energy healing powers of preventive energy that's good for one's health in general, colic, decreasing heart problems, benefiting the muscles, calcium deficiency, pregnancy, eczema, muscle cramps, helping the nervous system, lessening tooth decay and osteoporosis.
Amazonite is a mint green to aqua green stone said to be of truth, honor, communication, integrity and trust. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect, and psychic ability. Amazonite is often associated with the throat chakra, and as such, said to be beneficial to communication. It is said to align the physical and astral bodies. It is noted mystically to lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem. Amazonite is also said to assist with peacefully making the transition out of this life. Amazonite is believe in crystal healing to heal emotional disturbances and the after effects of emotional trauma. It is reputed to have spiritual energy healing powers of preventive energy that's good for one's health in general, colic, decreasing heart problems, benefiting the muscles, calcium deficiency, pregnancy, eczema, muscle cramps, helping the nervous system, lessening tooth decay and osteoporosis.
Amblygonite (similar to rock quartz)
Amblygonite aids you if you are creative, to enhance your special gifts... as it encourages you to allow your inner brilliance to flourish and prosper. It is a stone to help you to release emotional hooks from past experiences... and relationships... and to break free from the past. It contains high amounts of natural lithium... so it is a stone to assist the release of stress and worry... and bring calmness and peace of mind.
This yellow stone may evoke within you the gift of having an awareness of your personal Divinity. You understand that you are here to learn from all the events of your life... and that your soul will continue to exist after you have passed to the other side of the veil.
As you begin to understand that you are here on the earth plane to encounter certain experiences.... you may awaken within you the sense that you are an immortal soul. Using Amblygonite is known to aid this process.
This lovely yellow stone mainly resonates within the solar plexus chakra.... and its energy is conducive to enhancing creativity. It inspires creation within the fields of music, dance, poetry and writing... by its vibration of assisting you to be at peace. This allows you to develop the inner clarity you need to allow your creativity to blossom.
Facilitates healing through absorption and transmutation of negative energies to positive
Acts to purify one's body mind and spirit when worn, carried or used as an elixir
Helps to stabilize the connection between the conscious self and universal perfection
Has been used in treating goiters and other diseases of the throat, kidneys and bladder
Amblygonite aids you if you are creative, to enhance your special gifts... as it encourages you to allow your inner brilliance to flourish and prosper. It is a stone to help you to release emotional hooks from past experiences... and relationships... and to break free from the past. It contains high amounts of natural lithium... so it is a stone to assist the release of stress and worry... and bring calmness and peace of mind.
This yellow stone may evoke within you the gift of having an awareness of your personal Divinity. You understand that you are here to learn from all the events of your life... and that your soul will continue to exist after you have passed to the other side of the veil.
As you begin to understand that you are here on the earth plane to encounter certain experiences.... you may awaken within you the sense that you are an immortal soul. Using Amblygonite is known to aid this process.
This lovely yellow stone mainly resonates within the solar plexus chakra.... and its energy is conducive to enhancing creativity. It inspires creation within the fields of music, dance, poetry and writing... by its vibration of assisting you to be at peace. This allows you to develop the inner clarity you need to allow your creativity to blossom.
Facilitates healing through absorption and transmutation of negative energies to positive
Acts to purify one's body mind and spirit when worn, carried or used as an elixir
Helps to stabilize the connection between the conscious self and universal perfection
Has been used in treating goiters and other diseases of the throat, kidneys and bladder
Amber is noted in metaphysics to give a soothing, light energy that is both calming and energizing at the same time. It is said to help manifest desires and heighten intellectual abilities, clarity of thought, and wisdom. It is reputed to cleanse its environment by drawing out negativity, and to relieve physical pain the same way. It is used mystically to bring the energies of patience, protection, psychic shielding, romantic love, sensuality, purification, balance, healing and calmness to those who wear or carry it. It is considered a good luck charm for marriage. Amber is excellent in crystal healing for inner child work and past life work. Amber is associated with the solar plexus chakra and sometimes the sacral chakra. Mystical lore says that amber is beneficial for purifying the body, headaches, bone problems, heart problems, circulation, ears, hearing problems, endocrine system, fibromyalgia, intestinal/digestive disorders, kidney, bladder, lungs, and general healing purposes.
Apache Tears - Opaque Obsidian
Grounds, protects and shields against negativity, aids in clearing and understanding subconscious blocks.
Legend says that Apache tears are the tears of the wives who cried for the fallen warriors.
A type of obsidian which lends comfort in times of grief and sorrow
Seems to shed the tears for one who is in sadness
Allows for an understanding of the stress in order to provide insight and acceptance
Promotes an attitude of forgiveness and release of grievances
Alleviates muscle spasms and helps eliminate toxins
Grounds, protects and shields against negativity, aids in clearing and understanding subconscious blocks.
Legend says that Apache tears are the tears of the wives who cried for the fallen warriors.
A type of obsidian which lends comfort in times of grief and sorrow
Seems to shed the tears for one who is in sadness
Allows for an understanding of the stress in order to provide insight and acceptance
Promotes an attitude of forgiveness and release of grievances
Alleviates muscle spasms and helps eliminate toxins
Apatite is a stone that mystically can stimulate the thoughts and ideas. It is said to increase intellect, imagination, and intuitive awareness. As a meditation or awareness tool It is said to help you maintain focus, learn, concentrate effectively, think clearly, and communicate better. Apatite can be used to enhance the energies of other crystals and stones. Having apatite near you can bring harmony on all levels, and brings inner peace. Apatite is reputed in mystical lore to physically apatite assist with nail problems, allergies, arthritis, bones, muscles, nervous system. Apatite is primarily related to the throat chakra, though golden Apatite is related mainly to the solar plexus chakra.
Apatite is a stone that mystically can stimulate the thoughts and ideas. It is said to increase intellect, imagination, and intuitive awareness. As a meditation or awareness tool It is said to help you maintain focus, learn, concentrate effectively, think clearly, and communicate better. Apatite can be used to enhance the energies of other crystals and stones. Having apatite near you can bring harmony on all levels, and brings inner peace. Apatite is reputed in mystical lore to physically apatite assist with nail problems, allergies, arthritis, bones, muscles, nervous system. Apatite is primarily related to the throat chakra, though golden Apatite is related mainly to the solar plexus chakra.
Yellow Apatite
Yellow Apatite has a bright and stimulating energy that can help your life in many ways. The properties of this sunny yellow crystal make this a wonderful stone to promote prosperity. The energy of the color yellow makes this a most helpful manifestation crystal. It will enhance manifestation... and its action to activate the solar plexus... the seat of the will... may aid you to strengthen your willpower.
It may also help you to become more assertive and confident... and its energy may aid you to discover what you really want in life. Its action within both the third and second chakra... is an excellent aid for helping weight loss. It is a fire element stone... and has strong metaphysical properties that strengthen mental clarity.
These bright yellow crystals embody the metaphysical properties of the color yellow. They are one of the authentic, pure crystals of the yellow ray... and they embody within them all of the strength of this amazing, highly energetic yellow vibration.
It is known as one of the foremost stones of the yellow ray. It is easy to see why... when you see the beautiful bright yellow color of Yellow Apatite stones.
The Yellow ray carries within it a strong vibration that enhances confidence, your strength of will and mental clarity. It works through the sacral chakra, or navel chakra... where you digest any new things... such as ideas, that are introduced into the body. It helps you to become more and break through your own self imposed limitations.
These crystals encourage good vibrations within your life... as they have a positive and encouraging energy... that imbues you with feelings of comfort and loving support. This is a stone of abundance and prosperity... and carries a strong vibration for manifestation.
It is an excellent stone to boost learning abilities... and this specifically applies to learning how to manifest. Like all yellow or golden stones... this is a strong manifestation stone... and is useful to aid you to manifest money... or other forms of prosperity, that you feel are desirable in your life.
The vibration of this bright yellow crystal works most effectively within the solar plexus chakra and the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is where creativity is birthed... and Yellow ApatiteYellow Apatite is a positive stone to aid you to enhance your creativity.
It is also a helpful stone to heighten your individual attraction or appeal... and it may assist you to develop inspired ideas. This makes it a favorable adjunct when you are starting a new business... and need to develop ideas to make it financially viable.
Like many yellow stones... it has a male or solar vibration. Once you begin to assimilate its vibration... it may have a strong effect on your willpower. The best way to do this is to keep one of the stones on you for as long as possible each day.
Yellow Apatite has a bright and stimulating energy that can help your life in many ways. The properties of this sunny yellow crystal make this a wonderful stone to promote prosperity. The energy of the color yellow makes this a most helpful manifestation crystal. It will enhance manifestation... and its action to activate the solar plexus... the seat of the will... may aid you to strengthen your willpower.
It may also help you to become more assertive and confident... and its energy may aid you to discover what you really want in life. Its action within both the third and second chakra... is an excellent aid for helping weight loss. It is a fire element stone... and has strong metaphysical properties that strengthen mental clarity.
These bright yellow crystals embody the metaphysical properties of the color yellow. They are one of the authentic, pure crystals of the yellow ray... and they embody within them all of the strength of this amazing, highly energetic yellow vibration.
It is known as one of the foremost stones of the yellow ray. It is easy to see why... when you see the beautiful bright yellow color of Yellow Apatite stones.
The Yellow ray carries within it a strong vibration that enhances confidence, your strength of will and mental clarity. It works through the sacral chakra, or navel chakra... where you digest any new things... such as ideas, that are introduced into the body. It helps you to become more and break through your own self imposed limitations.
These crystals encourage good vibrations within your life... as they have a positive and encouraging energy... that imbues you with feelings of comfort and loving support. This is a stone of abundance and prosperity... and carries a strong vibration for manifestation.
It is an excellent stone to boost learning abilities... and this specifically applies to learning how to manifest. Like all yellow or golden stones... this is a strong manifestation stone... and is useful to aid you to manifest money... or other forms of prosperity, that you feel are desirable in your life.
The vibration of this bright yellow crystal works most effectively within the solar plexus chakra and the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is where creativity is birthed... and Yellow ApatiteYellow Apatite is a positive stone to aid you to enhance your creativity.
It is also a helpful stone to heighten your individual attraction or appeal... and it may assist you to develop inspired ideas. This makes it a favorable adjunct when you are starting a new business... and need to develop ideas to make it financially viable.
Like many yellow stones... it has a male or solar vibration. Once you begin to assimilate its vibration... it may have a strong effect on your willpower. The best way to do this is to keep one of the stones on you for as long as possible each day.
Apophyllite (quartz like)
Apophyllite is an aid to meditation and helps make a conscious connection with the spiritual world. It has been used to help in firewalking and astral travel. It is said to one see the truth and then act on it, and is an energy stimulator. Folklore says that It relieves tired eyes when placed on the eyelids. When placed on the third eye chakra, it enhances clairvoyance and mystical vision. Apophyllite is associated with the crown chakra.
Apophyllite is an aid to meditation and helps make a conscious connection with the spiritual world. It has been used to help in firewalking and astral travel. It is said to one see the truth and then act on it, and is an energy stimulator. Folklore says that It relieves tired eyes when placed on the eyelids. When placed on the third eye chakra, it enhances clairvoyance and mystical vision. Apophyllite is associated with the crown chakra.
A stone of courage that steps up the intellectual processes
Encourages one to always be prepared for anything
Aids in the attainment of more spiritual levels of awareness and communication
Emits an empathic, compassionate energy directed toward serving humanity and helps lessen anger
Aids in the treatment of all glands, helps to improve vision and aids in maintaining strong bones and teeth
A stone of courage that steps up the intellectual processes
Encourages one to always be prepared for anything
Aids in the attainment of more spiritual levels of awareness and communication
Emits an empathic, compassionate energy directed toward serving humanity and helps lessen anger
Aids in the treatment of all glands, helps to improve vision and aids in maintaining strong bones and teeth
Aragonite increases energy, in particular it increases the energy of prayers and magick charms. Metaphysically is it said to boost self-confidence and feelings of self-worth. Diminishes anger and relieving stress are other metaphysical . Aragonite is professed by mystical lore to be beneficial for chronic fatigue, hair loss.
Aragonite increases energy, in particular it increases the energy of prayers and magick charms. Metaphysically is it said to boost self-confidence and feelings of self-worth. Diminishes anger and relieving stress are other metaphysical . Aragonite is professed by mystical lore to be beneficial for chronic fatigue, hair loss.
Blue Aragonite enhances your ability to communicate... but particularly spiritually. It is a third eye, throat and heart chakra stone... with a comforting, optimistic and joyful vibration. When you are communicating with spirit... it allows you to be to be calm and relaxed... and handle these experiences without stress.
This aids you to more easily empathize, so is an asset to healers and spiritual teachers. If communicating with your spirit guides... its energy aids you to communicate with more accuracy. This is very helpful for you if you work in psychic employment... such as a tarot reader or intuitive psychic reader.
his delightful blue stone resonates within the heart chakra, throat chakra and the third eye chakra... and it unites all three. It is a strong stone of spiritual vision... and it brings through optimism and joy.
This stone has a lovely vibration... and is very healing to the emotions. If you have been difficult situations where you have been left feeling some degree of personal wounding... Blue Aragonite is an excellent stone to heal you.
Arfvedsonite (looks like black tourmaline wand in white/yellw matrix)
Arfvedsonite has many powerful attributes... and it is a stone that has the potential to produce amazing manifestation. It is a strong stone for spiritual growth... creating a clear path ahead. It helps you to re-organize and restructure your life.. bringing extraordinary insights and a strong positive vibration. If you use it in meditation... it will help you to experience psychic visions... that may assist you to predict the future
This is a crystal that aids brilliant manifestations... that will help you on your spiritual journey. It helps you to create aclear path ahead... as it assists you to awaken to the Divine Light, and to anchor it into matter... within your reality.
If you have been feeling depressed... this stone is a powerful aid to lift your vibration... so that you are able to see hope in the coming future. We live in such strange times... where many people live in fear of what is going to happen to this world... so the energy of Arfvedsonite is very reassuring.
Arfvedsonite will aid you to bring through more and more light into your being... and you will begin to shine more brightly... as you gain knowledge and insight into your life path.
Its vibration will aid you to locate and release any energy blockages in your body. The light within you will begin to flow... from you to others... creating a stream of light and a flow of deep joy. It will flow first within your personal world... then out to the whole planet.
Arfvedsonite has many powerful attributes... and it is a stone that has the potential to produce amazing manifestation. It is a strong stone for spiritual growth... creating a clear path ahead. It helps you to re-organize and restructure your life.. bringing extraordinary insights and a strong positive vibration. If you use it in meditation... it will help you to experience psychic visions... that may assist you to predict the future
This is a crystal that aids brilliant manifestations... that will help you on your spiritual journey. It helps you to create aclear path ahead... as it assists you to awaken to the Divine Light, and to anchor it into matter... within your reality.
If you have been feeling depressed... this stone is a powerful aid to lift your vibration... so that you are able to see hope in the coming future. We live in such strange times... where many people live in fear of what is going to happen to this world... so the energy of Arfvedsonite is very reassuring.
Arfvedsonite will aid you to bring through more and more light into your being... and you will begin to shine more brightly... as you gain knowledge and insight into your life path.
Its vibration will aid you to locate and release any energy blockages in your body. The light within you will begin to flow... from you to others... creating a stream of light and a flow of deep joy. It will flow first within your personal world... then out to the whole planet.
Ascension Stone (looks like, gold metallic and bumpy)
Ascension Stones have strong metaphysical properties that bring through the Divine Light. Meditation with these Marcasite stones is very beautiful and quite powerful. They connect you to the colored ray that you need for your healing at that time.
They are powerful stones for psychic protection and they are also very grounding. They are excellent stones for Reiki practitioners or anyone doing any spiritual or psychic development work. During meditation with them they align your chakras... and leave you feeling a sense of deep peace.
Ascension Stones have strong metaphysical properties that bring through the Divine Light. Meditation with these Marcasite stones is very beautiful and quite powerful. They connect you to the colored ray that you need for your healing at that time.
They are powerful stones for psychic protection and they are also very grounding. They are excellent stones for Reiki practitioners or anyone doing any spiritual or psychic development work. During meditation with them they align your chakras... and leave you feeling a sense of deep peace.
Astophyllite (looks like white matrix with bronze shards wrapped around)
Astrophyllite is an energetically potent stone that infuses your entire system with light. Its strong metaphysical properties for transformation assist you to recognize your purpose for being here.. as it illuminates your true self.
Once you fully know yourself you may bring this self knowledge to your life. Said to be a tranquil and honest stone... it gives you the ability to make major change that will move your life journey forward in a profound way.
This stone is a stone of moving forward quickly on your life journey... and it may assist you to find your true path. Its vibration may illuminate your true self... the inner you... and make you aware of those things within yourself that you need to take action on. These are storm element stones... which means they have a strong element of transformation within them.
The electro-magnetic vibrations of the energy emitted, encompasses the energy of the highest vibration to the lowest... and will energize each of the chakras, as specifically required by that chakra. This is in alignment with the souls purpose... so is safe for anyone to use Astrophyllite.
Astrophyllite is an energetically potent stone that infuses your entire system with light. Its strong metaphysical properties for transformation assist you to recognize your purpose for being here.. as it illuminates your true self.
Once you fully know yourself you may bring this self knowledge to your life. Said to be a tranquil and honest stone... it gives you the ability to make major change that will move your life journey forward in a profound way.
This stone is a stone of moving forward quickly on your life journey... and it may assist you to find your true path. Its vibration may illuminate your true self... the inner you... and make you aware of those things within yourself that you need to take action on. These are storm element stones... which means they have a strong element of transformation within them.
The electro-magnetic vibrations of the energy emitted, encompasses the energy of the highest vibration to the lowest... and will energize each of the chakras, as specifically required by that chakra. This is in alignment with the souls purpose... so is safe for anyone to use Astrophyllite.
Atacamite was discovered fairly recently... and many people are working with it to fully discover its qualities. What we do know is that it will forcefully open the third eye and encourage you to experience extraordinary psychic visions. It is a stone that I recommend for anyone who wants to develop their clairvoyant abilities, as it brings through powerful visual images... even if it is not your predominant psychic gift.
Its unique energy will resonate within the third eye chakra, the throat chakra, the thymus chakra and the heart chakra... all areas that aid our spiritual growth. This is a stone that may come combined with various other natural crystals... that may affect its overall vibration... and be of benefit to us.
Atacamite was discovered fairly recently... and many people are working with it to fully discover its qualities. What we do know is that it will forcefully open the third eye and encourage you to experience extraordinary psychic visions. It is a stone that I recommend for anyone who wants to develop their clairvoyant abilities, as it brings through powerful visual images... even if it is not your predominant psychic gift.
Its unique energy will resonate within the third eye chakra, the throat chakra, the thymus chakra and the heart chakra... all areas that aid our spiritual growth. This is a stone that may come combined with various other natural crystals... that may affect its overall vibration... and be of benefit to us.
Atlantasite (green with purple brown orbiticulars)
Atlantisite is a combination of green Atlantisite, also called Tasmanite or Stichtite-Serpentine, is a combination of Green Serpentine and Stichtite, and as such, has a synergistic energy that includes the energies of the two stones but has its own energies. Atlantisite has been used to end disputes, for Spiritual awareness, and to understand the concept and energies of love. Atlantisite is considered by many to bring the energies of ancient civilizations from Mu, Atlantis, and Lemuria, particularly in healing energies. It is used in crystal healing for heart; lungs; muscular issues such as cramps, menstrual cramping, hernias; and glucose control metabolic disorders such as diabetes and hypoglycemia, as well as a general crystal healing stone. It is considered to be a stone that resonates to and links the energies of the Crown and Heart chakras.
Atlantisite is a combination of green Atlantisite, also called Tasmanite or Stichtite-Serpentine, is a combination of Green Serpentine and Stichtite, and as such, has a synergistic energy that includes the energies of the two stones but has its own energies. Atlantisite has been used to end disputes, for Spiritual awareness, and to understand the concept and energies of love. Atlantisite is considered by many to bring the energies of ancient civilizations from Mu, Atlantis, and Lemuria, particularly in healing energies. It is used in crystal healing for heart; lungs; muscular issues such as cramps, menstrual cramping, hernias; and glucose control metabolic disorders such as diabetes and hypoglycemia, as well as a general crystal healing stone. It is considered to be a stone that resonates to and links the energies of the Crown and Heart chakras.
Avalonite-(salmon pink and grey, slate look)
Avalonite™ is a naturally occurring stone which is from a deposit in Washington State. Because Avalonite™ is a new stone it may exhibit other healing qualities yet to be discovered. Here are my impressions to date: It is a rare combination of minerals brought together in this specific location. We have not been able to identify all of the minerals composing Avalonite but we do know it contains feldspar, hornblende, mica, calcium, silica, and various others. Its uniqueness is in the minerals all coming together to aid in a common purpose and its manifestation in the color of peachy/coral.
2nd and 4th chakras. Avalonite's basic function is to deal with issues relating to fear of love. Fear and fear of love keeps us from finding our life path, Avalonite™ aids in healing this fear so you can discover your true path.. It does this by allowing you to trust your intuition through letting go of fear; fear of all love related issues, fear of being wrong, and/or fear of failure. Avalonite™ brings love and wisdom to help you discover your true self AND then you may start 'living your truth'.
Wisdom and clarity; being clear about who you are. Helps you to become conscious; or aware of areas in your life that need healing. Aids feelings of loneliness by making you realize that you are apart of the Universe, you are never alone. Aids in decision making. Wisdom, Joy and happiness. Love integrating to wisdom or emotional to mental.
Physically Avalonite™ balances the hormones, eases premenstrual and menopausal symptoms. Healing of birth trauma and shock. Eases the process of healing dependency and co-dependency by working on the aspect relating to fears associated with love. Growth on all levels. This stone is an excellent choice for those just starting their healing journey, it helps to heal and clear karma, which is the first step to healing and growth.
Avalonite™ is a naturally occurring stone which is from a deposit in Washington State. Because Avalonite™ is a new stone it may exhibit other healing qualities yet to be discovered. Here are my impressions to date: It is a rare combination of minerals brought together in this specific location. We have not been able to identify all of the minerals composing Avalonite but we do know it contains feldspar, hornblende, mica, calcium, silica, and various others. Its uniqueness is in the minerals all coming together to aid in a common purpose and its manifestation in the color of peachy/coral.
2nd and 4th chakras. Avalonite's basic function is to deal with issues relating to fear of love. Fear and fear of love keeps us from finding our life path, Avalonite™ aids in healing this fear so you can discover your true path.. It does this by allowing you to trust your intuition through letting go of fear; fear of all love related issues, fear of being wrong, and/or fear of failure. Avalonite™ brings love and wisdom to help you discover your true self AND then you may start 'living your truth'.
Wisdom and clarity; being clear about who you are. Helps you to become conscious; or aware of areas in your life that need healing. Aids feelings of loneliness by making you realize that you are apart of the Universe, you are never alone. Aids in decision making. Wisdom, Joy and happiness. Love integrating to wisdom or emotional to mental.
Physically Avalonite™ balances the hormones, eases premenstrual and menopausal symptoms. Healing of birth trauma and shock. Eases the process of healing dependency and co-dependency by working on the aspect relating to fears associated with love. Growth on all levels. This stone is an excellent choice for those just starting their healing journey, it helps to heal and clear karma, which is the first step to healing and growth.
Aventurine balances the Yin~Yang energies, Motivates and refines positive attitudes and feelings of independence. Relieves anxiety and fear. Allows one to release any fears and replace them with an inner feeling of emotional calm. Excellent for meditation. In general, Aventurine brings prosperity, diffuses negativity and balances the male/female or yin/yang energies. The pink Aventurine however, seems to go above the physical, five sensory level. It rises past the eighth chakra of universal love allowing one to embrace not only the physical body in which we reside, but also allowing absolute love of our higher self/soul/divine being. To me, it is like a favorite warm, fuzzy blanket, embracing and enfolding us in joy and love.
Aventurine balances the Yin~Yang energies, Motivates and refines positive attitudes and feelings of independence. Relieves anxiety and fear. Allows one to release any fears and replace them with an inner feeling of emotional calm. Excellent for meditation. In general, Aventurine brings prosperity, diffuses negativity and balances the male/female or yin/yang energies. The pink Aventurine however, seems to go above the physical, five sensory level. It rises past the eighth chakra of universal love allowing one to embrace not only the physical body in which we reside, but also allowing absolute love of our higher self/soul/divine being. To me, it is like a favorite warm, fuzzy blanket, embracing and enfolding us in joy and love.
Azeztulite is a stone with a very high energy vibration that is said to be from the Angelic realm. It is an ascension stone that is used in psychic and mystical work to raise one's vibration. Although Azeztulite is a type of quartz, it has much higher energy than regular quartzes. Azeztulite is used in meditation to expand and raise consciousness and bring great Light energy to the meditation. This stone is also used by metaphysicians to help project positive energy to benefit self and other. Azeztulite is also used on the third-eye to assist in clairvoyant viewing of the future. This stone demonstrates no negative or neutral energy, but is truly positive in energy and never needs cleansing or reenergizing. Crystal healers consider azeztulite energies to remove energetic blocks and snarls, allowing full flow of energy and healing dis-ease of all types. Crystal healers also use azeztulite to assist in rapid but comfortable cellular regeneration and rejuvenation. Azeztulite is related primarily with the crown and soulstar chakras.
Azeztulite is a stone with a very high energy vibration that is said to be from the Angelic realm. It is an ascension stone that is used in psychic and mystical work to raise one's vibration. Although Azeztulite is a type of quartz, it has much higher energy than regular quartzes. Azeztulite is used in meditation to expand and raise consciousness and bring great Light energy to the meditation. This stone is also used by metaphysicians to help project positive energy to benefit self and other. Azeztulite is also used on the third-eye to assist in clairvoyant viewing of the future. This stone demonstrates no negative or neutral energy, but is truly positive in energy and never needs cleansing or reenergizing. Crystal healers consider azeztulite energies to remove energetic blocks and snarls, allowing full flow of energy and healing dis-ease of all types. Crystal healers also use azeztulite to assist in rapid but comfortable cellular regeneration and rejuvenation. Azeztulite is related primarily with the crown and soulstar chakras.
Gold Azeztulite
Himalaya Gold Azeztulite is a bright yellow/gold colored form of Azeztulite found in the Himalaya Mountains in India.
The frequency of Himalaya Gold Azeztulite connects to the solar plexus and third eye chakras. Its energy helps one to manifest or create one's reality in a non ego-based manner. It helps one align and integrate one's thoughts and actions with the emotions of love and wisdom held within one's heart center.
Himalaya Gold Azeztulite empowers one so that one is in alignment to the frequencies of joy. It aligns the solar plexus chakra to the third eye chakra enhancing mental clarity and discernment. This enables one to be clear and focused to manifest and harmonize that which is in one's highest good, and for the "good of all".
Himalaya Gold Azeztulite is a bright yellow/gold colored form of Azeztulite found in the Himalaya Mountains in India.
The frequency of Himalaya Gold Azeztulite connects to the solar plexus and third eye chakras. Its energy helps one to manifest or create one's reality in a non ego-based manner. It helps one align and integrate one's thoughts and actions with the emotions of love and wisdom held within one's heart center.
Himalaya Gold Azeztulite empowers one so that one is in alignment to the frequencies of joy. It aligns the solar plexus chakra to the third eye chakra enhancing mental clarity and discernment. This enables one to be clear and focused to manifest and harmonize that which is in one's highest good, and for the "good of all".
Awakens and helps to develop the "third-eye" and "psychic self"
Enhances creativity and helps to eliminate worries and indecision
Augments self-confidence and helps one to "speak from the heart"
Has been used to facilitate contact with spirit guides during meditation
Aids in the treatment of disorders related to the spine and circulatory system
Allows one to "go within" without fear or hesitation
Helps to eliminate ego-oriented characteristics like vanity, arrogance and conceit
Can provide comfort by calming anxiety while helping to relax
Can enhance flexibility and movement, and works against disorders of the teeth, bones and skin
Helps to prevent asthma, ulcers and other stress-related diseases
Awakens and helps to develop the "third-eye" and "psychic self"
Enhances creativity and helps to eliminate worries and indecision
Augments self-confidence and helps one to "speak from the heart"
Has been used to facilitate contact with spirit guides during meditation
Aids in the treatment of disorders related to the spine and circulatory system
Allows one to "go within" without fear or hesitation
Helps to eliminate ego-oriented characteristics like vanity, arrogance and conceit
Can provide comfort by calming anxiety while helping to relax
Can enhance flexibility and movement, and works against disorders of the teeth, bones and skin
Helps to prevent asthma, ulcers and other stress-related diseases
Axinite (silvery/bronze)
Axinite is useful in helping us to submit gracefully to changes in our lives. It focuses our thoughts on what needs to be replaced and what it should be replaced with. It grounds us in everything we do and aligns us to the Earth. Axinite is excellent for finding solutions to problems that satisfy everyone involved. It helps to inspire our playful nature and makes meeting people and making friends a smoother process.
Axinite is useful in helping us to submit gracefully to changes in our lives. It focuses our thoughts on what needs to be replaced and what it should be replaced with. It grounds us in everything we do and aligns us to the Earth. Axinite is excellent for finding solutions to problems that satisfy everyone involved. It helps to inspire our playful nature and makes meeting people and making friends a smoother process.
A rose formation symbolizes "all things are possible"
Enhances friendship, harmony and love, and encourages one to go for their dreams
Helps to initiate motivation, independence and personal freedom
Aids in the release of trapped emotions and can help renewed energies
Assists in the removal of toxins, helps stimulate vision and aids in addiction recovery
A rose formation symbolizes "all things are possible"
Enhances friendship, harmony and love, and encourages one to go for their dreams
Helps to initiate motivation, independence and personal freedom
Aids in the release of trapped emotions and can help renewed energies
Assists in the removal of toxins, helps stimulate vision and aids in addiction recovery
Bastnasite (deep orange/amber cluster)
A wonderful gemstone for manifesting your dreams and desires. A grounding energy to aid the ideas of thinkers, planners and dreamers, again for manifesting those plans – making things happen. Light bending properties. ‘to lie hidden’ Use as a catalyst for change and refinement. Become less sensitive to things that are upsetting in your physical world. Allows you to feel your emotions but do not become obsessed with them. Releases fear of the unknown.
Keywords: Polish. Strength. Change. Desire.
Helps one to center and ground the heart to live in the "here and now"
Assists in the access of, and communication with the ancestral spiritual realm
Enhances the states of harmony, strength and adaptability
Helps to instill unselfishness and idealism while enhancing creativity
Works to purify the blood, kidneys, bladder and liver and aids in treating leukemia
A wonderful gemstone for manifesting your dreams and desires. A grounding energy to aid the ideas of thinkers, planners and dreamers, again for manifesting those plans – making things happen. Light bending properties. ‘to lie hidden’ Use as a catalyst for change and refinement. Become less sensitive to things that are upsetting in your physical world. Allows you to feel your emotions but do not become obsessed with them. Releases fear of the unknown.
Keywords: Polish. Strength. Change. Desire.
Helps one to center and ground the heart to live in the "here and now"
Assists in the access of, and communication with the ancestral spiritual realm
Enhances the states of harmony, strength and adaptability
Helps to instill unselfishness and idealism while enhancing creativity
Works to purify the blood, kidneys, bladder and liver and aids in treating leukemia
Beryl encourages intuitiveness. Promotes the will to succeed. Releives throat infection.
Morganite (Pink Beryl)Morganite is known both as an angel stone and a heart stone. It can bring love to one's live or rekindle old love. As an angel stone, it is known to help with communicating with angels. Morganite also brings compassion, empathy, self-control, and patience. It can also balance emotions and ease the pain of separation. It has been said to be one of the highest frequency stones available. Physically, morganite is used for healing emphysema, tuberculosis, heart disease, breathing problems, and throat problems. Morganite is associated primarily with the heart chakra, and can open, balance and clear this chakra.
Golden Beryl (Heliodor)
Heliodor is a Golden or Yellow Beryl, and as such has energies of Beryl plus its own. Heliodor has strong energies to bring will power and personal power to bear on any challenge. Heliodor is used to remove emotional debris and emotional toxins from toxic people. Heliodor is also used in folk and crystal healing to remove toxins from the body, and treat the spleen, liver, and pancreas. Heliodor is primarily associated with the solar plexus chakra and can be used to activate it.
Heliodor is a Golden or Yellow Beryl, and as such has energies of Beryl plus its own. Heliodor has strong energies to bring will power and personal power to bear on any challenge. Heliodor is used to remove emotional debris and emotional toxins from toxic people. Heliodor is also used in folk and crystal healing to remove toxins from the body, and treat the spleen, liver, and pancreas. Heliodor is primarily associated with the solar plexus chakra and can be used to activate it.
Boji Stones
Boji Stone-female stone embody spiritual grounding energy... and are very helpful if you have been doing spiritual development work..
They come in pairs of one male Boji Stone and one female Boji stone... and carry a useful level of healing energy. They are excellent to heal emotional problems... and they are powerful to clear hypnotic commands that may have been implanted at an earlier time.
Boji Stone-female stone embody spiritual grounding energy... and are very helpful if you have been doing spiritual development work..
They come in pairs of one male Boji Stone and one female Boji stone... and carry a useful level of healing energy. They are excellent to heal emotional problems... and they are powerful to clear hypnotic commands that may have been implanted at an earlier time.
Bornite, known as Peacock Copper
This mineral can facilitate the synthesis of the chakras and can be useful in the individual activation of the chakras. It can bring freshness and newness to your life. It stimulates the inner spirit to seek further heights and increases your ability to enjoy happiness in the moment. It is an excellent stone to use during re-birthing, helping you to integrate and unite the existing separation of the emotions with the intellect. It helps to release that which is no longer useful and assists in recognising and accepting the differences between grief and relief. It is a stone of happiness, showing that life is truly joyful to experience. It protects from negative energy and assists in the recognition of the source of negativity, producing energy similar to the energy of alignment. It also emits a circular energy, which returns to it, transforming any negative forces, which have been gathered into pure beneficial energy. Bornite is an excellent healing stone, and can be used to assist in the building of the structures of the physical body.
This mineral can facilitate the synthesis of the chakras and can be useful in the individual activation of the chakras. It can bring freshness and newness to your life. It stimulates the inner spirit to seek further heights and increases your ability to enjoy happiness in the moment. It is an excellent stone to use during re-birthing, helping you to integrate and unite the existing separation of the emotions with the intellect. It helps to release that which is no longer useful and assists in recognising and accepting the differences between grief and relief. It is a stone of happiness, showing that life is truly joyful to experience. It protects from negative energy and assists in the recognition of the source of negativity, producing energy similar to the energy of alignment. It also emits a circular energy, which returns to it, transforming any negative forces, which have been gathered into pure beneficial energy. Bornite is an excellent healing stone, and can be used to assist in the building of the structures of the physical body.
Brazilianite is a great stone for cleansing and getting the flow going again. It helps us to want to see whats really going on so we can understand ourselves fully so we can release what we no longer need. It also helps dissipate obstructions within our energy system, running through our meridians thus increasing our energy as it flows freely again. It can be used to increase creativity and aid in manifestation. It works to amplify your focused will giving the power to move towards that which you seek to manifest. Brazilianite can help release anger and resentment or to speak up in defense of our own needs. It is great for bringing us the courage to make our ideas manifest. A stone of right action and taking responsibility for our lives, living honestly with ourselves without being a martyr.
Brazilianite (looks like pale green tourm) releases the drama, victim or perceived fears from moving out of our comfort zones, as it facilitates an awakening and connection to the divine experience of bliss we embody through growth and inner-transformation. Allow the divine solar vibrations of Brazilianite to weave magic into your lower chakras. Then from this state of inner-radiance, shine this light into your life, through your community and into the greater world…. to consciously shape the future of our planet.
Bronzite is called both a "Stone of Focused Action" and a "Stone of Courtesy". It is helpful for helping with certainty and with taking control of our actions. It can also help one to think ahead about things, enhancing the ability to take control of our own lives. In this, because bronzite helps dispel uncertainty, it can help us also take necessary actions for our own benefit, while still being loving and polite and principled in our behavior. Bronzite is a good grounding stone also. It is excellent for these same reasons to promote change in a harmonious way. Physically, Bronzite is used in crystal healing for ailments related to the solar plexus chakra, assimilation of iron, lessening muscular tension, dispelling restlessness caused by emotional and psycho-physical ailments.
Bustamite (pink, brown, fawn, white)
Bustamite is an brown-red to peachy-pink stone that is best known for its energetic ability to remove and clear energy blockages. It is a very powerful stone for all types of energy work because of this. It can remove an energy block from a person, a particular chakra, an environment, or a situation. It is also excellent for meditation and can help one go deeper into meditation than previously possible. It is also great for dreamwork and can help communicate with angels. Bustamite is used often in ceremonies and initiations. Emotionally, bustamite helps one feel safe, which can lead to many different kinds of emotional healing, including removing anxiety and stress. Physically, bustamite has been used to heal and improve circulation, lungs, skin, nails, hair, and stress related disorders.
Bustamite is an brown-red to peachy-pink stone that is best known for its energetic ability to remove and clear energy blockages. It is a very powerful stone for all types of energy work because of this. It can remove an energy block from a person, a particular chakra, an environment, or a situation. It is also excellent for meditation and can help one go deeper into meditation than previously possible. It is also great for dreamwork and can help communicate with angels. Bustamite is used often in ceremonies and initiations. Emotionally, bustamite helps one feel safe, which can lead to many different kinds of emotional healing, including removing anxiety and stress. Physically, bustamite has been used to heal and improve circulation, lungs, skin, nails, hair, and stress related disorders.
Cacoxenite in Amethyst or Quartz came to the notice of humanity as an ascension stone. They are powerful for spiritual awakening as they raise your vibration and work powerfully through the crown chakra and third eye chakra. These crystal stones will aid you to bring your solar plexus chakra... the seat of your will... into alignment with your divine purpose for being on this planet at this time. These quartz crystals embody one of the seven minerals that make up the energy of the Super Seven stones which are also known as Sacred Seven or Melody's stone.
Cacoxenite in Amethyst or Quartz came to the notice of humanity as an ascension stone. They are powerful for spiritual awakening as they raise your vibration and work powerfully through the crown chakra and third eye chakra. These crystal stones will aid you to bring your solar plexus chakra... the seat of your will... into alignment with your divine purpose for being on this planet at this time. These quartz crystals embody one of the seven minerals that make up the energy of the Super Seven stones which are also known as Sacred Seven or Melody's stone.
all calcite emits an energy that "amplifies" the energies of the body and mind
natural colors over color-appropriate charkas have cleared energies in those areas
helps teach the world to be aware and appreciate the creative forces of nature
aids in dysfunction orders related to the pancreas, kidney, spleen and bone growths Calcite facilitates an awareness and understanding of nature, Aids in remembering astral travel experiences. Allieviates fear, clears and balances.
Calcite increases and amplifies energy. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as with increasing intuition. All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is a protecting, purifying, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. It also increases creativity, imagination, and prosperity. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality, wisdom and reconciliation. Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras. Physically, calcites can heal back pain, increase physical strength, heal teeth, and are generally good for healing.
Green calcites helps overcome addictions, heal joints, bones, kidney, bladder, and the endocrine system, relieve pain.
Blue calcite is particularly good for channeling and increasing energy.
Yellow calcite is also particularly good for Shamanic work, meditation, channeling, intuition, and amplifying energy.
Orange calcite reduces chronic fatigue, and increases psychic abilities.
Red calcite brings courage and inner strength and energy to handle survival situations, and benefits sensuality/sexuality.
Honey calcite is also very good for increasing energy.
Optical calcite is beneficial for headaches.
Pink calcite (mangano calcite) is a stone of love and amplifies Reiki and other universal life force energies.
Calcite increases and amplifies energy. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as with increasing intuition. All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is a protecting, purifying, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. It also increases creativity, imagination, and prosperity. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality, wisdom and reconciliation. Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras. Physically, calcites can heal back pain, increase physical strength, heal teeth, and are generally good for healing.
Green calcites helps overcome addictions, heal joints, bones, kidney, bladder, and the endocrine system, relieve pain.
Blue calcite is particularly good for channeling and increasing energy.
Yellow calcite is also particularly good for Shamanic work, meditation, channeling, intuition, and amplifying energy.
Orange calcite reduces chronic fatigue, and increases psychic abilities.
Red calcite brings courage and inner strength and energy to handle survival situations, and benefits sensuality/sexuality.
Honey calcite is also very good for increasing energy.
Optical calcite is beneficial for headaches.
Pink calcite (mangano calcite) is a stone of love and amplifies Reiki and other universal life force energies.
Manago Calcite
Pink Manganocalcite (Pink Magnesium Calcite) is sometimes called the "Reiki Stone". It has a gentle but powerful energy, and is an excellent complement to energy healing modalities such as Reiki and Seichim because of its excellent properties of energy magnification. It is a calming stone, that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal love and self-love. It offers hope for the best. It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love. It is also excellent for channeling and astral travel, and for studying and retaining information learned. Physically, pink mangano calcite is beneficial for general health and healing, bones, joints, and physical heart issues.
Pink Manganocalcite (Pink Magnesium Calcite) is sometimes called the "Reiki Stone". It has a gentle but powerful energy, and is an excellent complement to energy healing modalities such as Reiki and Seichim because of its excellent properties of energy magnification. It is a calming stone, that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal love and self-love. It offers hope for the best. It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love. It is also excellent for channeling and astral travel, and for studying and retaining information learned. Physically, pink mangano calcite is beneficial for general health and healing, bones, joints, and physical heart issues.
Calsilica Rainbow (banded turquoise, green. reds)
Rainbow Calsilica is a newly-found, multi-colored, layered stone composed of calcium and silica from a mine in. Calsilica Chihuahua, Mexico is said to represent the Seven Chakras and is said to align, balance and heal the chakras. It is also a stone of pleasure and enjoyment, bringing light and love into one's life. It is said to awaken the rainbow body of Light, the totality of one's spiritual energies.
Rainbow Calsilica is a newly-found, multi-colored, layered stone composed of calcium and silica from a mine in. Calsilica Chihuahua, Mexico is said to represent the Seven Chakras and is said to align, balance and heal the chakras. It is also a stone of pleasure and enjoyment, bringing light and love into one's life. It is said to awaken the rainbow body of Light, the totality of one's spiritual energies.
Carnelian aids concentration and memory. Stimualtes inquisitiveness and dispels apathy. Enhances attunement with inner self. Soothes pain. Aids business success.
Provides one protection from fear, envy and anger and helps to banish sadness
Helps to eliminate states of apathy, indolence and lethargy
Assists in increasing personal abilities, physical energies, compassion and creativity
Can aid in stimulating analytical abilities and spiritual gifts
Helps provide relief of symptoms due to allergies, cold or flu
Provides one protection from fear, envy and anger and helps to banish sadness
Helps to eliminate states of apathy, indolence and lethargy
Assists in increasing personal abilities, physical energies, compassion and creativity
Can aid in stimulating analytical abilities and spiritual gifts
Helps provide relief of symptoms due to allergies, cold or flu
Cats Eye stimulates intuition and enhances awareness, it is effective in dispelling unwanted energies from our etheric fields. Protective energy for the wearer.
Cavansite (blue and white druzy cluster)
Cavansite is a stone that aids in many psychic areas. It can stimulate intuition greatly, heightens psychic awareness, stimulates the third eye, and enhances channeling abilities. It is especially helpful in psychic healing and protects the healer during psychic healing sessions. Emotionally, cavansite helps get rid of negative thoughts and beliefs, and inspires new ideas. It helps see what part of life need attention. It also helps one relax. Physically cavansite is helpful for sore throats, general healing, and diseases which it helps eliminate and keep from returning. Cavansite is related primarily to the throat and third eye chakras.
Cavansite is a stone that aids in many psychic areas. It can stimulate intuition greatly, heightens psychic awareness, stimulates the third eye, and enhances channeling abilities. It is especially helpful in psychic healing and protects the healer during psychic healing sessions. Emotionally, cavansite helps get rid of negative thoughts and beliefs, and inspires new ideas. It helps see what part of life need attention. It also helps one relax. Physically cavansite is helpful for sore throats, general healing, and diseases which it helps eliminate and keep from returning. Cavansite is related primarily to the throat and third eye chakras.
Celestite (pale blue point)
Celestite is said to be an angelic stone. It can connect you to all aspects of the angelic realm, and to angels themselves. It is said that celestite was given powers by angels to raise consciousness, and to bring guidance from the angels. Emotionally, celestite is excellent for emotional protection and to end worry, fear, and anxiety. In this way it decreases negativity. Celestite is a great tool for meditation, as it help focus on that other than of this world and block out distracting "noise". Celestite purifies the aura, and perfects the chakras. It is a stone that brings balance, especially to thought processes and communication. Psychically, celestite is an excellent tool for astral travel. In the physical realm, celestite is used for healing eye problems, mental disorders, cellular order, eliminating toxins, digestive problems. Celestite is associated primarily with the throat and crown chakras.
Celestite is said to be an angelic stone. It can connect you to all aspects of the angelic realm, and to angels themselves. It is said that celestite was given powers by angels to raise consciousness, and to bring guidance from the angels. Emotionally, celestite is excellent for emotional protection and to end worry, fear, and anxiety. In this way it decreases negativity. Celestite is a great tool for meditation, as it help focus on that other than of this world and block out distracting "noise". Celestite purifies the aura, and perfects the chakras. It is a stone that brings balance, especially to thought processes and communication. Psychically, celestite is an excellent tool for astral travel. In the physical realm, celestite is used for healing eye problems, mental disorders, cellular order, eliminating toxins, digestive problems. Celestite is associated primarily with the throat and crown chakras.
Blue Chalcedony is a stone with a gentle, dreamy energy. It fosters balance between mind, body and spirit. It is a stone of calm and peace which reduces or negates hostility, anger and irritation. Blue Chalcedony soothes and promotes mental and emotional stability and can aid with emotional honesty. It encourages communication and eases what could have been emotionally charged situations. It is excellent for the psychic development and support of clairvoyance, intuition and energy healing. It also helps reduce or eliminate bad dreams by removing the cause that influenced them. Blue Chalcedony has a very protective property which is evident in both the physical and emotional realms. It has ben used for protection from evil, particularly evil magic.
Charoite (mottled purples)
Charoite is called a "Stone of Transformation" and is a stone of power. In particular it transforms negative emotions such as anger and fear into positive feelings. As part of the transformation process it allows release of those negative emotions. Charoite is also a stone of inspiration, bringing enhanced creativity, spiritual growth, and showing new possibilities even in old situations. This is a stone that allows us to see clearly which brings with it enhanced self-esteem and helps release one from victimization. Charoite can enhance or bring courage, inner strength, and appropriate assertiveness. In the psychic realm, chaorite is used for entity release or rescue work, clairvoyance, and prophesy. Physically, chaorite is helpful for speeding up healing of all kinds, headaches, liver problems, alcohol detoxification, cramps, heart problems, eye problems, and nerves.
Charoite is called a "Stone of Transformation" and is a stone of power. In particular it transforms negative emotions such as anger and fear into positive feelings. As part of the transformation process it allows release of those negative emotions. Charoite is also a stone of inspiration, bringing enhanced creativity, spiritual growth, and showing new possibilities even in old situations. This is a stone that allows us to see clearly which brings with it enhanced self-esteem and helps release one from victimization. Charoite can enhance or bring courage, inner strength, and appropriate assertiveness. In the psychic realm, chaorite is used for entity release or rescue work, clairvoyance, and prophesy. Physically, chaorite is helpful for speeding up healing of all kinds, headaches, liver problems, alcohol detoxification, cramps, heart problems, eye problems, and nerves.
Chiastolite is a variety of andalusite. It is also known as the "Cross Stone" because of the natural cross like pattern on the stone. The name chiastolite derives from the Greek word 'chiastos' which means 'cross marked'. The cross sign is formed in this stone when carbon rich impurities form an axis along the crystal. This stone was discovered in Spain and has been used since ancient times for protection and to ward off evil eye. This stone is found in white, red, brown, orange and green This stone is associated with the Zodiac Sign of Virgo.
Chiastolite has built a reputation as a stone of balance and harmony. This stone is said to enhance the intellect, problem solving abilities and mental clarity. This stone can transmute conflict into harmony and dispels negative thoughts and energies. Chiastolite is associated with the sacral and root chakras. Healers use this stone to lessen fevers, treat blood disorders, rheumatism, balance the immune system, fortify nerves, treat blood pressure and increase lactation in nursing mothers. This stone also can be used to treat depression, reduce anxiety, stress and guilt.
Chlorite acts to enhance cooperation in relationships.
Can be very useful in clearing the aura, chakras and meridians.
Works to attack anger, hostility, frustration and dissention.
Promotes the production of beneficial bacteria, while helping to eliminate toxins from the body.
Can help to diminish age and liver spots.
Can be very useful in clearing the aura, chakras and meridians.
Works to attack anger, hostility, frustration and dissention.
Promotes the production of beneficial bacteria, while helping to eliminate toxins from the body.
Can help to diminish age and liver spots.
Chrysanthemum Stone
Chrysanthemum Stone is a lovely calming stone that is very helpful to aid you to stay centered. The saying 'be fully present' applies to this stone... as it aids you to be in the moment. It is known to aid you to work out your purpose, and then to take steps to bring it into your reality.
If you have feeling that you have not yet achieved your potential, you may choose to use this stone, as it will help you to find within you the courage to live your dream. It has a lovely energy that brings joy and child-like happiness into your life.
Chrysanthemum Stone is a lovely calming stone that is very helpful to aid you to stay centered. The saying 'be fully present' applies to this stone... as it aids you to be in the moment. It is known to aid you to work out your purpose, and then to take steps to bring it into your reality.
If you have feeling that you have not yet achieved your potential, you may choose to use this stone, as it will help you to find within you the courage to live your dream. It has a lovely energy that brings joy and child-like happiness into your life.
Chrysoberyl (Cat's Eye)
Natural Cat's Eye(chrysoberyl) is a stone of good fortune and good luck. It is said to bring serenity and happiness, along with optimism and generosity. It is used in emotional crystal healing to bring forgiveness, balanced emotions, and self-esteem. Cat's eye can enhance creativity and kindness. It is also a stone of protection. Physically, cat's eye is used in crystal healing for kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and leukemia issues.
Natural Cat's Eye(chrysoberyl) is a stone of good fortune and good luck. It is said to bring serenity and happiness, along with optimism and generosity. It is used in emotional crystal healing to bring forgiveness, balanced emotions, and self-esteem. Cat's eye can enhance creativity and kindness. It is also a stone of protection. Physically, cat's eye is used in crystal healing for kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and leukemia issues.
Gem Silica Chrysocolla
Chrysocolla (chrysacolla) is a stone of harmony, both on a universal level and a very specific level. It can be used to purify a place or remove negativity from a person. It is a very gentle stone and its energy works in a gentle, harmonious way. It can help ease fear, anxiety, and guilt. It is also used to communicate with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Physically, it is good for treating asthma, emphysema, TB, pneumonia, muscle cramps, spasms, arthritis, headaches, particularly tension headaches, and is used for protection during pregnancy and childbirth. Chrysocolla is primarily related to the throat chakra, although it can be used on the heart and solar plexus chakras.
Chrysocolla (chrysacolla) is a stone of harmony, both on a universal level and a very specific level. It can be used to purify a place or remove negativity from a person. It is a very gentle stone and its energy works in a gentle, harmonious way. It can help ease fear, anxiety, and guilt. It is also used to communicate with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Physically, it is good for treating asthma, emphysema, TB, pneumonia, muscle cramps, spasms, arthritis, headaches, particularly tension headaches, and is used for protection during pregnancy and childbirth. Chrysocolla is primarily related to the throat chakra, although it can be used on the heart and solar plexus chakras.
Helps one to attune to the earth's needs through communication with her spiritual forces
Can help to lessen heartache while rekindling a capacity to love
Teaches one that silence may be more beneficial than verbalization
Promotes physical vitality and helps one to maintain during stressful times
Helps to regenerate the pancreas and assists in the regulation of insulin
Helps one to attune to the earth's needs through communication with her spiritual forces
Can help to lessen heartache while rekindling a capacity to love
Teaches one that silence may be more beneficial than verbalization
Promotes physical vitality and helps one to maintain during stressful times
Helps to regenerate the pancreas and assists in the regulation of insulin
Chrysoprase is powerful stone. It is said to bring good fortune and prosperity, as well as business success. It facilitates self-expression and courage and the ability to use them wisely. It can bring happiness, which is partly because it helps its wearer get rid of negative thoughts and irritability. It also enhances and strengthens friendships. Chrysoprase is a stone of balance that equalize yin/yang energies and allows deep meditation. It can mend broken hearts and remove inferiority or superiority complexes. It is a powerful healing stone that aids failing eyesight or other eye problems, immune system response, fertility issues, gout, mental illness, relieves fevers and excess body heat, and can help guard against sexually transmitted diseases. Chrysoprase is related primarily to the heart chakra, which it activates, opens and energizes. It also aligns all the chakras.
Chrysoprase is powerful stone. It is said to bring good fortune and prosperity, as well as business success. It facilitates self-expression and courage and the ability to use them wisely. It can bring happiness, which is partly because it helps its wearer get rid of negative thoughts and irritability. It also enhances and strengthens friendships. Chrysoprase is a stone of balance that equalize yin/yang energies and allows deep meditation. It can mend broken hearts and remove inferiority or superiority complexes. It is a powerful healing stone that aids failing eyesight or other eye problems, immune system response, fertility issues, gout, mental illness, relieves fevers and excess body heat, and can help guard against sexually transmitted diseases. Chrysoprase is related primarily to the heart chakra, which it activates, opens and energizes. It also aligns all the chakras.
Cinnabar (deep reddish brown)
Cinnabar heals and purifies blood. It imparts strength and flexibility to the physical body, stabilizes weight and enhances fertility. Reputed to give wearer long life. Connected with all things physical, exercise and to keep fit.
A colorful mineral that is unique to the mineral color palette-an attractive cinnamon to scarlet red. Well shaped crystals are uncommon and the twinned crystals are considered classics among collectors. The twinning in cinnabar is distinctive and forms a penetration twin that is ridged with six ridges surrounding the point of a pyramid. It could be thought of as two scalahedral crystals grown together with one crystal going the opposite way of the other crystal. Cinnabar was mined by the Roman Empire for its mercury content and it has been the main ore of mercury throughout the centuries. Some mines used by the Romans are still being mined today. Cinnabar shares the same symmetry class with quartz but the two form different crystal habits
Heals & purifies the blood. Imparts strength and flexibility to the physical body, stabilizes weight and enhances fertility.
Said to attract abundance - try keeping cinnabar in your wealth corner.
Since Cinnabar is mercury based, caution should be used in the handling of it. It is poisonous if ingested, so wash your hands after handling it.
Cinnabar heals and purifies blood. It imparts strength and flexibility to the physical body, stabilizes weight and enhances fertility. Reputed to give wearer long life. Connected with all things physical, exercise and to keep fit.
A colorful mineral that is unique to the mineral color palette-an attractive cinnamon to scarlet red. Well shaped crystals are uncommon and the twinned crystals are considered classics among collectors. The twinning in cinnabar is distinctive and forms a penetration twin that is ridged with six ridges surrounding the point of a pyramid. It could be thought of as two scalahedral crystals grown together with one crystal going the opposite way of the other crystal. Cinnabar was mined by the Roman Empire for its mercury content and it has been the main ore of mercury throughout the centuries. Some mines used by the Romans are still being mined today. Cinnabar shares the same symmetry class with quartz but the two form different crystal habits
Heals & purifies the blood. Imparts strength and flexibility to the physical body, stabilizes weight and enhances fertility.
Said to attract abundance - try keeping cinnabar in your wealth corner.
Since Cinnabar is mercury based, caution should be used in the handling of it. It is poisonous if ingested, so wash your hands after handling it.
Citrine is a crystal that encourages happiness and generosity. It imparts joy in love and raises self esteem and self belief while also attracting abundance to your life. Place under the pillow to ensure a good nights sleep.
Can hold no negative energies so never needs clearing or cleansing
Sometimes called a "merchant's stone," can assist in acquiring and maintaining wealth
Can encourage open-mindedness and accelerate an awakening within
Helps to stimulate endurance and focus, stabilizes emotions and dispels anger
Promotes blood circulation and helps balance the thyroid and thymus
Can hold no negative energies so never needs clearing or cleansing
Sometimes called a "merchant's stone," can assist in acquiring and maintaining wealth
Can encourage open-mindedness and accelerate an awakening within
Helps to stimulate endurance and focus, stabilizes emotions and dispels anger
Promotes blood circulation and helps balance the thyroid and thymus
Helps fight against restlessness, excitability, lethargy and laziness
Works to instill attributes of optimism, diplomacy, initiative and independence
Allows for the recognition of obstacles in ones spiritual path
Can stabilize blood flow, increases circulation and helps treat arthritis, bursitis and infection
Helps fight against restlessness, excitability, lethargy and laziness
Works to instill attributes of optimism, diplomacy, initiative and independence
Allows for the recognition of obstacles in ones spiritual path
Can stabilize blood flow, increases circulation and helps treat arthritis, bursitis and infection
COPPER - This mineral can combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability and non-acceptance of oneself. It stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence. It emits a philosophic energy, free of orthodoxy and bias. Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and aligns the subtle bodies. It has been used successfully to amplify and transmit thought. It is said to be a bestower of good, bringing benefit to its wearer. It opens an activates the base a sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire and vitality. It allows one to recognize the barriers which are in the path of ones development.
Helps to instil diplomacy and bring peace of mind to the user
Assists in developing the skills of imagination, intuition and visualization
Facilitates clear communication and the transfer of sacred knowledge from our spiritual masters
Strengthens the skeletal and circulatory systems and stimulates tissue regeneration
Used in treating disorders of alimentary and spinal canals and thalamus
Helps to instil diplomacy and bring peace of mind to the user
Assists in developing the skills of imagination, intuition and visualization
Facilitates clear communication and the transfer of sacred knowledge from our spiritual masters
Strengthens the skeletal and circulatory systems and stimulates tissue regeneration
Used in treating disorders of alimentary and spinal canals and thalamus
Covellite (black crackled)
Covellite is a stone to transform your dreams into reality.... by enhancing a positive outlook. It has strong meataphysical properties By utilizing energy correctly you can bring miracles into your life. This stone helps you to open a doorway to the past... and supports you as you remember the wisdom you obtained in past lives.
Covelite is a stone of the third eye chakra and the crown chakra... and is powerful stone to stimulate your psychic powers. It may trigger the psychic visionary gifts such as clairvoyance or psychic visions, lucid dreaming, astral travel and past life recall... so its vibration may assist you to learn how to be psychic.
It is a powerful stone to use to pursue lifetimes from the past... and to review and release the karma associated with events from those lives. By allowing gifted individuals to access the Akashic records in the etheric realm... Covellite helps you in this quest.
It is stone that stimulates a positive outlook on life... and may assist you to transform your dreams into reality. Yet this stone is something of a contradiction in some ways... as it is not always an easy stone to work with. It will promote and support the journey into the deeper, dark side of your spirit.
This may trigger negative reactions in some individuals... but because of Covellite's ability to promote the positive side... it may make this journey easier to take.If you are ready to take this journey.... you may combine it with Nuummite, to recall, for release... situations from past lives.
Covellite is a stone to transform your dreams into reality.... by enhancing a positive outlook. It has strong meataphysical properties By utilizing energy correctly you can bring miracles into your life. This stone helps you to open a doorway to the past... and supports you as you remember the wisdom you obtained in past lives.
Covelite is a stone of the third eye chakra and the crown chakra... and is powerful stone to stimulate your psychic powers. It may trigger the psychic visionary gifts such as clairvoyance or psychic visions, lucid dreaming, astral travel and past life recall... so its vibration may assist you to learn how to be psychic.
It is a powerful stone to use to pursue lifetimes from the past... and to review and release the karma associated with events from those lives. By allowing gifted individuals to access the Akashic records in the etheric realm... Covellite helps you in this quest.
It is stone that stimulates a positive outlook on life... and may assist you to transform your dreams into reality. Yet this stone is something of a contradiction in some ways... as it is not always an easy stone to work with. It will promote and support the journey into the deeper, dark side of your spirit.
This may trigger negative reactions in some individuals... but because of Covellite's ability to promote the positive side... it may make this journey easier to take.If you are ready to take this journey.... you may combine it with Nuummite, to recall, for release... situations from past lives.
Crocoite (lookslike red tour)
Crocoite can stimulate and enhance intuition, creativity, and sexuality. It assists with transition in a non-complex manner. It is used in treatment of disorders of the reproductive system.
Crocoite can stimulate and enhance intuition, creativity, and sexuality. It assists with transition in a non-complex manner. It is used in treatment of disorders of the reproductive system.
Danburite is associated with the crown chakra and also can enhance the functionality of all the chakras. Danburite amplifies the properties and effects of other stones. It will open and release energy blockages, assisting healing on all levels. Thus it is an excellent healing stone. Danburite is also helpful in strengthening clarity and perceptiveness. It also lessens issues of self-pride as well as diminishing blockages.
Danburite is associated with the crown chakra and also can enhance the functionality of all the chakras. Danburite amplifies the properties and effects of other stones. It will open and release energy blockages, assisting healing on all levels. Thus it is an excellent healing stone. Danburite is also helpful in strengthening clarity and perceptiveness. It also lessens issues of self-pride as well as diminishing blockages.
Yellow Danburite
Golden Yellow Danburite golden danburiteconnects you to the sweetness of etheric music. Their fine high vibrations are intensely uplifting... and will aid you with connecting with angels and the universal mind.
Another wonderful gift that this stone gives us is to use it for lucid dreaming. To lucid dream is to be very aware of what is happening while dreaming, almost as if you are awake.
The amount of awareness varies from person to person. Many people who use this crystal will find that they remember the dream as if it actually happened. Combine Scolecite with it and the experience will be even more profound.
As a healing crystal it is a powerful stone to clear allergic conditions. It has a strong cleansing and detoxifying action, as it works through the liver to remove unwanted toxins. It may also heal the muscular structure of the body.
Golden Yellow Danburite golden danburiteconnects you to the sweetness of etheric music. Their fine high vibrations are intensely uplifting... and will aid you with connecting with angels and the universal mind.
Another wonderful gift that this stone gives us is to use it for lucid dreaming. To lucid dream is to be very aware of what is happening while dreaming, almost as if you are awake.
The amount of awareness varies from person to person. Many people who use this crystal will find that they remember the dream as if it actually happened. Combine Scolecite with it and the experience will be even more profound.
As a healing crystal it is a powerful stone to clear allergic conditions. It has a strong cleansing and detoxifying action, as it works through the liver to remove unwanted toxins. It may also heal the muscular structure of the body.
Datolite (looks like red potch)
Datolite is one of the high vibration stones. It works both within the higher chakras from the third eye up, and within the solar plexus and heart chakras. The meaning of stones of this type depends on the actual color of the stone to some degree. It is a powerful stone to aid you to see beings from the higher spiritual realms. Its aids your mental faculties and helps to release fear and improve your mood.
Datolite is one of the high vibration stones. It works both within the higher chakras from the third eye up, and within the solar plexus and heart chakras. The meaning of stones of this type depends on the actual color of the stone to some degree. It is a powerful stone to aid you to see beings from the higher spiritual realms. Its aids your mental faculties and helps to release fear and improve your mood.
Symbolizes the central sun and like the sun never needs recharging
Known as a stone of innocence that brings forth consistency and purity
Instills trust, confidence and fidelity in all relationships
Inspires imagination, creativity and innovation
Helps one to accumulate and manifest abundance
Can be used to counteract the effects of poison and can stimulate and clarify vision
Symbolizes the central sun and like the sun never needs recharging
Known as a stone of innocence that brings forth consistency and purity
Instills trust, confidence and fidelity in all relationships
Inspires imagination, creativity and innovation
Helps one to accumulate and manifest abundance
Can be used to counteract the effects of poison and can stimulate and clarify vision
Rough Diamond
Diamond is a stone that bonds relationships and enhances love. It brings longevity, particularly to relationships, balance, clarity and abundance. It can amplify one's thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses. It gives one who wears or carries it courage and hope. Historically, crushed diamond has been used as a cure for many ailments. Diamond is primarily associated with the crown chakra.
Diamond is a stone that bonds relationships and enhances love. It brings longevity, particularly to relationships, balance, clarity and abundance. It can amplify one's thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses. It gives one who wears or carries it courage and hope. Historically, crushed diamond has been used as a cure for many ailments. Diamond is primarily associated with the crown chakra.
Dichroic Glass
Dichoric glass was originally created for the space and laser industries, and was developed extensively by NASA. The word dichroic means "two colors" because of the two or more colors that the glass reflects and transmits. Dichroic glass is said by some to have no metaphysical properties. However, as everything has an energy vibration of some sort, which is what gives a material its metaphysical properties. Additionally, the glass is made with metallic oxides which would bring their properties to it. Intuition says that dichroic glass can be helpful for seeing past illusions, communication with stellar beings, bringing child-like joy into your life, and meditation. It can certainly be used effectively as a focal point in meditation by staring into the layers of color of the glass.
Dichoric glass was originally created for the space and laser industries, and was developed extensively by NASA. The word dichroic means "two colors" because of the two or more colors that the glass reflects and transmits. Dichroic glass is said by some to have no metaphysical properties. However, as everything has an energy vibration of some sort, which is what gives a material its metaphysical properties. Additionally, the glass is made with metallic oxides which would bring their properties to it. Intuition says that dichroic glass can be helpful for seeing past illusions, communication with stellar beings, bringing child-like joy into your life, and meditation. It can certainly be used effectively as a focal point in meditation by staring into the layers of color of the glass.
Dioptase (blue/green cubed)
Dioptase is a stone of healing that has a refreshing energy. It can help heal in many ways emotionally, including helping get one started clearing one's issues, and releasing negative emotions. It promotes healing from abuse, neglect, sadness, and despair. It is called a stone of "Living in the Moment" because it helps one overcome these hurtful past energies and find the joy of the current moment, bring calm, confidence, and self-worth. Spiritually, dioptase is good for alignment and attunement with the spiritual energies of your choice. Physically, dioptase is helpful for heart burn, physical heart problems, meniere's disease, and deep healing in general. Dioptase is related to the heart chakra.
Dioptase is a stone of healing that has a refreshing energy. It can help heal in many ways emotionally, including helping get one started clearing one's issues, and releasing negative emotions. It promotes healing from abuse, neglect, sadness, and despair. It is called a stone of "Living in the Moment" because it helps one overcome these hurtful past energies and find the joy of the current moment, bring calm, confidence, and self-worth. Spiritually, dioptase is good for alignment and attunement with the spiritual energies of your choice. Physically, dioptase is helpful for heart burn, physical heart problems, meniere's disease, and deep healing in general. Dioptase is related to the heart chakra.
Diopside (blue with light mottling)
Diopside is a stone that is green to black-green to black. It is a very creative stone and can bring creativity to the bearer. It can also help with analysis and logic as an assistant to learning. It is also said to be related to love, commitment, and the inner heart. It is traditionally said to be helpful for healing trauma, partly by bringing cleansing tears. Sometimes it's even called the "crying stone" because of this. It can help get in touch with the feminine side, which can help heal aggression and stubbornness. Physically it has been used for the heart, lungs, circulation, weakness, kidneys, muscle aches and spasms, and psychological disorders. Diopside is associated with the heart, third eye and root (base) chakras. Black Star Diopside is associated more with the root chakra than other colors of Diopside, and brings more energies of calming stress and anxiety. Diopside is also used for calming pets at times.
Diopside is a stone that is green to black-green to black. It is a very creative stone and can bring creativity to the bearer. It can also help with analysis and logic as an assistant to learning. It is also said to be related to love, commitment, and the inner heart. It is traditionally said to be helpful for healing trauma, partly by bringing cleansing tears. Sometimes it's even called the "crying stone" because of this. It can help get in touch with the feminine side, which can help heal aggression and stubbornness. Physically it has been used for the heart, lungs, circulation, weakness, kidneys, muscle aches and spasms, and psychological disorders. Diopside is associated with the heart, third eye and root (base) chakras. Black Star Diopside is associated more with the root chakra than other colors of Diopside, and brings more energies of calming stress and anxiety. Diopside is also used for calming pets at times.
Dumortierite is a stone that teaches you to stand up for yourself. It will help you to take control of your own life and increase your level of patience. It is very stimulating to the brain and brings enhanced intellectual abilities as it assists with all mental skills... both mathematical and language based. If you have the potential to develop psychic powers... it is a powerful stone to amplify many psychic gifts.This dark blue stone, has a strong ability to aid intellectual activity within the brain.... and will assist you to develop enhanced mental abilities. Dumortierite is a highly useful aid for anyone who is studying.... as it assists the retention of information... as well as enhancing your will power, and capacity for self mastery.
This crystal also has an extraordinary capacity to help you to acquire many psychic gifts. This includes most of the best known ones.... such as psychometry, clairvoyant abilities, clairaudience and developing intuition. It will also assist you to develop some of the less well known psychic powers, including prophetic vision, psychic knowing, channeling, automatic writing and psychokinesis.
It is primarily a stone of the third eye chakra but it will also have a beneficial effect within the crown chakra and the throat chakra. The pineal gland is located within the third eye chakra and is located behind the middle of the forehead. It is this area... the origin of psychic ability, that is highly stimulated by the use of this stone.
Eilat Stone
Eilat Stone, aka King Solomon's Stone, is a combination of Chrysocolla, Malachite and Turquoise. It is said to be excellent for healing both emotional and physical aspects of the heart, lungs, throat, and balancing the heart and throat chakras. I've read that when placed on the Solar Plexus chakra it aligns the subtle bodies and aligns the heart mind and body. It is said to flush out and heal hurt, fear, stress, loss and sense of abandonment. This makes it an excellent stress reliever and antidepressant in crystal healing. Emotionally it is used for peace of mind, self-expression, and creativity in all aspects of life. In the physical realm it is said to be good for healing heart, lungs, throat, thyroid, bone, fevers, inflammation, sinuses, and whole body. Eilat Stone comes from Israel near Eilat on the north shore of the Red Sea.
Eilat Stone, aka King Solomon's Stone, is a combination of Chrysocolla, Malachite and Turquoise. It is said to be excellent for healing both emotional and physical aspects of the heart, lungs, throat, and balancing the heart and throat chakras. I've read that when placed on the Solar Plexus chakra it aligns the subtle bodies and aligns the heart mind and body. It is said to flush out and heal hurt, fear, stress, loss and sense of abandonment. This makes it an excellent stress reliever and antidepressant in crystal healing. Emotionally it is used for peace of mind, self-expression, and creativity in all aspects of life. In the physical realm it is said to be good for healing heart, lungs, throat, thyroid, bone, fevers, inflammation, sinuses, and whole body. Eilat Stone comes from Israel near Eilat on the north shore of the Red Sea.
Symbolizes success in all endeavors of love
Teaches one to combine intelligence with discernment, thereby inducing right action
Activates and stimulates the heart while calming the emotions
Has worked to enhance memory and increase mental capacity
Has been used to treat disorders of the spine, lungs and heart
Symbolizes success in all endeavors of love
Teaches one to combine intelligence with discernment, thereby inducing right action
Activates and stimulates the heart while calming the emotions
Has worked to enhance memory and increase mental capacity
Has been used to treat disorders of the spine, lungs and heart
Epidote (looks like deep green tourmaline with quartz)
Epidote also known as Pistacite... is a stone that is known to effect different people in different ways. It may have either a very beneficial affect on you... and this may to some degree depend on your predominant way of thinking as it's vibration brings you more of the same.
This aspect is said to benefit you, as the influx of traits brings them clearly to your awareness. It is said to be very helpful to aid prosperity... because as long as you are generous you will manifest more generosity and more prosperity... and will experience a variety of good things in your life... in a diversity of different ways.... including improved relationships.
If you have been working on your spiritual growth... this stone has a strong vibration to aid you to attune to spirit. This stone will enhance your awareness of various aspects of yourself... and it may be very helpful if you unknowingly have been resistant to letting go of some attitude that you need to change... for your highest good.
Epidote has within it an energy that aids you to have the courage to let go of the things that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams.
As you begin to embrace the boldness of spirit that Epidote brings to you... this will help you to have a greater knowledge of who you really are and your spiritual purpose. This stone is a catalyst for change... and once you have clarified your ideals, it will aid you to manifest your dreams into reality. This stone helps you to learn that if you raise your vibration... you can be enabled to completely change your reality... via the action of your thoughts and actions.
Epidote also known as Pistacite... is a stone that is known to effect different people in different ways. It may have either a very beneficial affect on you... and this may to some degree depend on your predominant way of thinking as it's vibration brings you more of the same.
This aspect is said to benefit you, as the influx of traits brings them clearly to your awareness. It is said to be very helpful to aid prosperity... because as long as you are generous you will manifest more generosity and more prosperity... and will experience a variety of good things in your life... in a diversity of different ways.... including improved relationships.
If you have been working on your spiritual growth... this stone has a strong vibration to aid you to attune to spirit. This stone will enhance your awareness of various aspects of yourself... and it may be very helpful if you unknowingly have been resistant to letting go of some attitude that you need to change... for your highest good.
Epidote has within it an energy that aids you to have the courage to let go of the things that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams.
As you begin to embrace the boldness of spirit that Epidote brings to you... this will help you to have a greater knowledge of who you really are and your spiritual purpose. This stone is a catalyst for change... and once you have clarified your ideals, it will aid you to manifest your dreams into reality. This stone helps you to learn that if you raise your vibration... you can be enabled to completely change your reality... via the action of your thoughts and actions.
Euclase (quartz like)
Euclase is called the happiness stone. It increases happiness by stimulating activity ruled by the heart and intuition. The energy of euclase is like a moving river in the way it cleanses blockages from the etheric body. Euclase helps one reach for goals and attain the ultimate in any area. It awakens creativity, and the forces of creativity and manifestation. It is also a wonderful crystal for improving communication skills. Euclase stimulates the crown, throat, and heart chakras.
Euclase is called the happiness stone. It increases happiness by stimulating activity ruled by the heart and intuition. The energy of euclase is like a moving river in the way it cleanses blockages from the etheric body. Euclase helps one reach for goals and attain the ultimate in any area. It awakens creativity, and the forces of creativity and manifestation. It is also a wonderful crystal for improving communication skills. Euclase stimulates the crown, throat, and heart chakras.
Eudialyte (mottled deep red/black)
Eudialyte is considered a personal power stone that increases and revitalizes one's personal power. Psychically, eudialyte helps with clairaudience, manifestation, and psychic resonance and abilities, and is a psychically protective stone. It is sometimes considered a "fine tuner". Eudialyte is also a stone of the heart, bringing harmony of heart matters, and dispelling jealousy. As eudialyte combines pink and red, it also brings the root and heart chakras into alignment, as well as activating the heart chakra. Emotionally it is helpful for learning to trust oneself and others, and eases compulsive behavior and thinking. Physically, eudialyte is good for healing the emotions, increasing vitality, eye problems, pancreas, thyroid, and purifying the blood.
Eudialyte is considered a personal power stone that increases and revitalizes one's personal power. Psychically, eudialyte helps with clairaudience, manifestation, and psychic resonance and abilities, and is a psychically protective stone. It is sometimes considered a "fine tuner". Eudialyte is also a stone of the heart, bringing harmony of heart matters, and dispelling jealousy. As eudialyte combines pink and red, it also brings the root and heart chakras into alignment, as well as activating the heart chakra. Emotionally it is helpful for learning to trust oneself and others, and eases compulsive behavior and thinking. Physically, eudialyte is good for healing the emotions, increasing vitality, eye problems, pancreas, thyroid, and purifying the blood.
Assists in the transfer of thoughts, information, ideas and emotions
Helps you to sever emotional ties which keep you bound to stressful situations
Aids in viewing the "unknown" and provides insight to deal with contrary influences
Can bring intellectual, psychological, rational and physical strength
Used in treatment of kidney stones, calcium deposits and liver disorders
Assists in the transfer of thoughts, information, ideas and emotions
Helps you to sever emotional ties which keep you bound to stressful situations
Aids in viewing the "unknown" and provides insight to deal with contrary influences
Can bring intellectual, psychological, rational and physical strength
Used in treatment of kidney stones, calcium deposits and liver disorders
Helps discourage disruptive, chaotic and disorganized growth
Encourages and maintains a flawless ideal of health, intellect and well-being
Helps you to see the inherent purity and perfection of the universe
Has been used in treating growths, tumors and infectious disease. Fluorite is a stone of purification and protection. Removes negative energies, dispels electromagnetic stress. Place by your computer. Increases concentration, balances the aura. A stone of discernment and higher understanding.
Helps discourage disruptive, chaotic and disorganized growth
Encourages and maintains a flawless ideal of health, intellect and well-being
Helps you to see the inherent purity and perfection of the universe
Has been used in treating growths, tumors and infectious disease. Fluorite is a stone of purification and protection. Removes negative energies, dispels electromagnetic stress. Place by your computer. Increases concentration, balances the aura. A stone of discernment and higher understanding.
Yttrium Fluorite
Yttrium Fluorite is a powerful high crystal energy stone that aids both mystical and spiritual growth. It is also called Lavender Fluorite... and this beautiful high frequency stone will help you with developing your intuition, as well as promoting the growth of a range of psychic abilities.
If you are developing your gifts to become a spiritual medium... this is a powerful stone to aid the process. It helps you to make a remarkable connection directly with the Divine mind, and it strengthens channeling abilities and clairvoyant psychic gifts. This is a rare stone with many unusual and extraordinary metaphysical properties.... across a wide range of different areas.
It is a powerful stone to use at the crown chakra, soul star chakra and higher transpersonal chakras. This high crystal energy stone has strong metaphysical properties... that promote insight and aid greater proficiency when using your specific personal abilities. It aids your mind to be better organized, and this helps you when you are making a spiritual connection. Yttrium Fluorite elevates your on-going spiritual growth... in a variety of ways.
Has been used to enhance communication between prior worlds and present reality
Can heighten accomplishments in the business realm
Aids in instilling quality and excellence within your environment
Can help dispense with old habits and programming and open to the "new"
Can stimulate the thymus and aid in treating the skeletal system
Yttrium Fluorite is a powerful high crystal energy stone that aids both mystical and spiritual growth. It is also called Lavender Fluorite... and this beautiful high frequency stone will help you with developing your intuition, as well as promoting the growth of a range of psychic abilities.
If you are developing your gifts to become a spiritual medium... this is a powerful stone to aid the process. It helps you to make a remarkable connection directly with the Divine mind, and it strengthens channeling abilities and clairvoyant psychic gifts. This is a rare stone with many unusual and extraordinary metaphysical properties.... across a wide range of different areas.
It is a powerful stone to use at the crown chakra, soul star chakra and higher transpersonal chakras. This high crystal energy stone has strong metaphysical properties... that promote insight and aid greater proficiency when using your specific personal abilities. It aids your mind to be better organized, and this helps you when you are making a spiritual connection. Yttrium Fluorite elevates your on-going spiritual growth... in a variety of ways.
Has been used to enhance communication between prior worlds and present reality
Can heighten accomplishments in the business realm
Aids in instilling quality and excellence within your environment
Can help dispense with old habits and programming and open to the "new"
Can stimulate the thymus and aid in treating the skeletal system
Fulgurite (looks like Aussie smoky quartz, rough)
These stones embody the powerful energy of lightning within them... that was infused into the stone at the time of the event which caused their creation. This energy makes Fulgurite stones a powerful manifestation tool.
A common use for Fulgurite is for manifesting through the power of prayer. By praying fervently and then blowing your prayer out... through the center of the stone, to the universe... many people believe that this is amazingly effective to manifest.
This stone may be used at any of the chakras... but it well known as a stone to aid you to make contact with the Divine Mind. Its energy forms an energetic bridge between your thoughts and those of the Divine Mind.... and it flows in both directions.
It is therefore a stone to aid en-light-enment, as through the bolt of light-ning we receive this Divine light. This is why many people use it on the higher chakras... from the heart chakra up.... and including the throat chakra and the third eye chakra.
At the throat chakra... it will have a healing effect on the ears and the hearing and may clear the clairaudient channels and accelerate the development of this psychic gift.
It is also a stone that is known to aid sexuality. It has an intense potency... as it may to rouse the kundalini energies.... and the kundalini awakening process is best done with the aid of a practitioner. If you decide to do this process, you will need 8-10 of the stones. The Fulgurite stones are used in a full body layout... with one at each chakra, one below the feet and if possible two above the head.
These stones embody the powerful energy of lightning within them... that was infused into the stone at the time of the event which caused their creation. This energy makes Fulgurite stones a powerful manifestation tool.
A common use for Fulgurite is for manifesting through the power of prayer. By praying fervently and then blowing your prayer out... through the center of the stone, to the universe... many people believe that this is amazingly effective to manifest.
This stone may be used at any of the chakras... but it well known as a stone to aid you to make contact with the Divine Mind. Its energy forms an energetic bridge between your thoughts and those of the Divine Mind.... and it flows in both directions.
It is therefore a stone to aid en-light-enment, as through the bolt of light-ning we receive this Divine light. This is why many people use it on the higher chakras... from the heart chakra up.... and including the throat chakra and the third eye chakra.
At the throat chakra... it will have a healing effect on the ears and the hearing and may clear the clairaudient channels and accelerate the development of this psychic gift.
It is also a stone that is known to aid sexuality. It has an intense potency... as it may to rouse the kundalini energies.... and the kundalini awakening process is best done with the aid of a practitioner. If you decide to do this process, you will need 8-10 of the stones. The Fulgurite stones are used in a full body layout... with one at each chakra, one below the feet and if possible two above the head.
Fuschite is a type of green mica. It is sometimes called the "stone of health" in part because it can help access information on health. Fuschite can also help one bounce back after emotional or physical problems. It can also help get information on daily routine, stress, pets, and career. Fuschite also can bring friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness. It is said to speed deep healing by assisting with recovery and immunity. It also increases energy transfer when multiple stones are used for healing.
Fuschite is a type of green mica. It is sometimes called the "stone of health" in part because it can help access information on health. Fuschite can also help one bounce back after emotional or physical problems. It can also help get information on daily routine, stress, pets, and career. Fuschite also can bring friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness. It is said to speed deep healing by assisting with recovery and immunity. It also increases energy transfer when multiple stones are used for healing.
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