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Monday, May 2, 2011

S-Z of Basic Crystal Characteristics

Can bring peace and joy by opening the mind to beauty and intuition
Known as a stone of prosperity, it helps eliminate fear and frustration, and aids in the fulfilment of dreams and desires
Can help to rid one of unwanted thoughts, replacing them with positive ones
Can be useful in treating blood and cellular disorders, combat bleeding and strengthen the walls of veins
Note: Different colours of sapphires are specific to clearing and balancing the areas of the body governed by their colour
Sardonyx (looks like banded agate)
Sardonyx is a combination of Orange Carnelian and Black Onyx. The colors of this stones vary quite a lot and they may be quite different to each other. They are often striped and but they may be more white than orange. The combinations of the combined energy will bring through a delight in life. It is a wonderful stone for improving marital relationships.
star sapphire
thought to be a stone of wisdom and good luck
helps one to understand and accept "human nature"
can ease contact with advanced beings not of the earth plane
enhances an understanding of the intentions of another
Yellow Sapphire with Citrine
Yellow Sapphires are wonderful prosperity crystals. Their energy is easily felt and will allow you to use the will... the energy of the solar plexus chakra ... to focus your intention onto manifesting whatever you desire. Through the power of your intention... which is strengthened by this stone... it is possible to bring abundance and prosperity into your life. Alternatively you may wish to manifest creative abilities which are also stimulated by its energy.
Scapolite (looks like purple tourmaline in a bed of whitish matrix)
Scapolite is a stone of purpose... helping you to set your mind to a goal and then reaching it. It aids self-discipline and will-power. The metaphysical properties of stones of different colors may be quite different. Yellow Scapolite aids the attainment of prosperity through the solar plexus chakra.
Purple or Gray-White Scapolite works within the crown chakra, soul star chakra and higher etheric chakras, and aids psychic knowing and communication with spirit guides. Blue Scapolite works within the throat chakra and third eye and aids psychic powers. Pink Scapolite has specific aspects within the thymus and heart chakra... and is a stone for aiding forgiveness and bringing through compassion.
Scolecite (clear Fan like shards)
Scolecite is a stone that awakens the heart... and facilitates deep inner peace and spiritual transformation. Once you have used it you will appreciate the wonderful gifts that it brings into your life.
This lovely stone resonates completely with the third eye chakra. Yet unlike some of the more intense stones that affect the third eye... it is gentle and calming as it makes contact. The sweet sublime contact with spirit that one feels... makes this a wonderful stone for the crown chakra too.
If you hold it in your hand you will feel a deep calming energy flow through your entire being. It is a deeply spiritual love... that will flow through you when you first experience the energy of Scolecite. Its energy is akin to the feeling of love, as it gently and peacefully awakens both the heart chakra and the deeper thymus chakra... also known as the higher heart chakra. It is the most profoundly peaceful stone... allowing you to make contact easily with spirit and your higher self. Its energy is instant and deeply restful. From the moment you first use it you can understand the advantages it will bring into your life.

Provides clarity of the mind, helping to expand one's awareness of self and surroundings
Can assist one in acquiring materialistic gains during business pursuits
Helps promote both flexibility and strength to the process of decision-making, and justice when dealing with disputes
Has been used to align the energies of the spine and remove blockages, while smoothing the flow of these energies
Can help to overcome the damage caused by the "free radical" and has been highly successful with cancer, epilepsy, age spots and wrinkles
Selenite, Desert Rose
Desert Rose is a variety of Selenite. As such it has its own energies as well as those of Selenite in general. It is a stone of the mind, as well as angelic stone. It is said to bring mental ability and clarity, as well as perception of all kinds, including intuitive perception. Desert rose is used in crystal healing to quiet worries and still the mind from distractions and disruptions. Metaphysically, desert rose is used to dissolve "programs" we have put upon our selves that are outdated or over-used. It is helpful for strength in meditation and affirmation. It is said to be helpful for the spine and the skeleton in general, and for aligning the spine properly.
Septarian Nodule
Septarians were formed millions of years ago. Decomposing sea life, killed by volcanic eruptions, had a chemical attraction for the sediment around them, forming mud balls. As the ocean receded, the balls were left to dry and crack. Because of their bentonite content they also shrank at the same time trapping the cracks inside. As decomposed calcite from the shells was carried down into the cracks in the mud balls, calcite crystals formed. A thin wall of calcite was transformed into arogonite separating the bentonite heavy clay exteriors from the calcite centers. Because of this, the nodules are called Septarians.
Dragon Lore.
Legend says that in ancient times when these Dragon Stones were found in their natural state they were mistaken for Dragon Eggs.
This was proof that dragons really did exist. Dragon Lore exists in many cultures around the world.
These Dragon Eggs are formed when mud forms around a dead crustation, as it grows the mud mixed with minerals cracks and seperates with the patterns, The mud eventually turns into stone and you have a Dragon Stone Egg.
Seraphinite (dark green motly)
Seraphinite (serafina, chlinochlore) is often referred to an an angel stone because of its higher energies and relationship with angels. Seraphinite is said to help contact angels and communicate with them. Psychically, seraphinite is beneficial for intuition and psychic awareness. This stone can be very protective of the heart chakra when used over this chakra, and is helpful for sending unconditional love. Seraphinite is a purifying stone that helps one find one's higher purpose and will. Seraphinite is also extremely helpful for all forms of transformation and transmutation, including the magickal kind. Physically, seraphinite is healing for nerves, brain cells, purification of the blood and organs and eliminating toxins, kidneys, liver.
New Jade
"New Jade" ("New Jade" Serpentine )
Serpentine, the light green variety of which is also called New Jade, is a beneficial and versatile stone. It is said by mystics to help with emotional cleansing, psychic powers, and attract love and money. It is also used in the rise of the kundalini, facilitating the rise by opening a path that lessens discomfort. In addition, serpentine is considered a metaphysically protective stone that is especially protective against snakebite, poison, and venom. Serpentine is an excellent stone for meditation. Physically, traditional and mystical lore says that serpentine eliminates parasite infections and removes venom and other poisons. Serpentine is associated primarily with the heart chakra.
Shattuckite (dark blue, turq blue amber)
Shattukite is a strong psychic communication stone, that works within the third eye chakra, throat chakra and heart chakra. It will assist with the development of psychic visions, or clairvoyant ability as well as mediumship, channeling and automatic writing... all from a position of absolute truth. It assists you to verbalize what you have heard from spirit... and it strengthens your ability to speak the truth.

Shiva Lingham
Shiva Lingam Stone stones may stimulate the energy system of the body... and will aid in an overall improvement in your health and well-being. Depending on which chakra you use them at... they may create a variety of different healing outcomes.

These stones carry the resonance of the sacredness of their origin... as a object of special significance within the Hindu religion. They can be used to create kundalini awakening as they may activate the kundalini... and are powerful to heal the lower three chakras, and aid healing of reproductive and fertility problems.
Shungite (looks like black obsidian)
Shungite is an ancient black stone that resonates within the base chakra and earth chakra and has strong energy to aid grounding and psychic protection. It is the only natural source of fullerenes... a compound discovered by scientists and said to be a powerful anti-oxidant.

The discovery of Fullerenes was so important that it won the scientists a Nobel prize. This stone may be labeled as a rare mineral and up until now has been found only in one region of Russia. It is a very strong healing stone... that is said to aid with healing allergies and some skin conditions.
Silica - Quantum Quattro is from Namibia, the only known source for this combination of minerals: royal blue shattuckite, robin egg blue chrysacola, forest green dioptase, in smoky quartz with pastel light green malachite. Quantum-Quattro Silica™ is an immune system builder that is able to work within the DNA structure and cellular level to re-polarize and magnetically open the gateways to God’s direct healing light. It is effective in healing past grief induced trauma that is locked within the emotional energy field and the body’s cells, causing pain in both areas. It can and will align all energy bodies, all chakras―both on the body and above and below it―if it is used with sincere prayer, and peaceful meditation.

Can bring patience and perseverance to all situations, which allow one to understand the underlying reasons for difficulties
Can be used to enhance the attributes of all other stones, and is strongest during new and full moons
Aids in strengthening the "silver cord" that connects the physical and astral body, eliminating the fear of projecting
Can be used to improve speech and bring culture and eloquence to conversation
Can be used to treat hepatitis, eliminate toxins and increase the body's assimilation of vitamins A and E

Smoky Quartz
Helps dissolve the negative energies and emotional blocks
Excellent stone for grounding and focusing while providing a protective barrier around the user
Activates and promotes survival instincts, personal pride and helps one to find daily joy in living
Helps to enhance creativity in business and encourage good decision-making in purchasing
Helps to regulate liquids within the body and helps relieve disorders of the hands and feet

Smoky Quartz dispels negativity and releases emotional blocks. Balances, grounds and protects. Enhances channeling powers. Lifts depression. Aids kidneys, adrenals and assists with brain dysfunction. Can be softened with rose Quartz or carnelian.
Smithsonite (small blue druzy orbs cluster)
Smithsonite is a stone of charm, kindness and positive happenings. It is auspicious for new beginnings. It can activate each chakra (energy center) of the body and can be used as a "replacement stone" in crystal healing. It reputedly helps with immune system problems, alcoholism, sinus problems and digestive ailments. It also helps attract new friends.
Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake obsidian has the property of bringing things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity. It is associated with the root chakra and is beneficial for the veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. Snowflake obsidian gives protection from physical and emotional harm.
Sodalite rationalises and aids clear thinking, bringing clarity and truth. It enhances creative expression and clear thinking. Improves endurance.
Labradorite (also called Spectrolite sometimes) is a considered by mystics to be a stone of transformation and magic. It is said to clear, balance and protect the aura. It is purported to help provide clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attract success. It is used in metaphysics for dream recall, and finding ways to use dreams in daily life. Mystically, energies of stress and anxiety are said to be reduced by labradorite. Labradorite is said to increase intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, help with subconscious issues, and provide mental illumination. In crystal healing and folklore, Labradorite is said to help with eyes, sight, diagnosis, brain, digestion, metabolism, warts. Labradorite is associated with the solar plexus and brow chakras.
Sphene (opaque olive colour)
Sphene or Titanite can be used to contact the Heavenly bodies within the Universe. It is a good stone to grid for growth of plants. It is a calming stone that stimulates the chakras providing a lightness in the physical body.
Spinel (looks like pink sapphire)
Spinel comes in a variety of colors and the metaphysical properties of stones of different colors may vary... and they may have different applications depending on the color. All Spinel will aid in lessening fatigue and replenishing energy levels. It assists one in creative thinking, and helps you to build a new self image. As it does this it will stimulate your capacity to embrace new talents and abilities that you may previously have been unable to use due to lack of faith in your own true worth.

Also called a "fairy cross" was said to be the crystallized tears of the fairy realm when they learned of Jesus' death
Has aided in accessing information from the ancients of the Middle East
Assists in the establishment and balancing of communication between the physical, ethereal and extra-terrestrial realms
Helps eliminate depression, addictive personality traits and tendencies to over-extend oneself
Used to treat malaria, fevers, smoking and disorders of the cells
Stibnite (looks like metallic shards)
Stibnite is a manifestation stone that works on all chakras. It requires you to focus your intention to enable it to bring you the things you desire. It may aid you to manifest what you desire into your life... but it does require strong focus and total honesty. Anything but that may bring undesirable results instead. Its is a strong stone for physical grounding so it is useful for making spiritual journeys, as it keeps you grounded to the earth plane.
Stilbite (clear and blue shafts in matrix)
Stilbite is a powerful mineral. It helps with psychic knowing and intuition. It is also used for psychic direction and guidance from guides, guardian angels, and totem animals. Stilbite is also a powerful stone of creativity that enhances creative energy. It heightens many physical senses, particularly taste (but as Mr Volunteer Man reminds me, the stone itself should not be eaten!) Stilbite can also help with acceptance and letting go. It is also used for manifestation. Physically, stilbite is used to remove toxins, and for laryngitis. Stilbite is associated with the heart, crown, and throat chakras.

Teaches that there is a strong connection between well-being of both mind and body, facilitating the healing process
Instills the perfection of "unconditional spiritual love" and helps to manifest this energy on the earth plane
Aids in forgiveness of oneself and others, and enhances the understanding of the lessons we have chosen for this lifetime
Can be used to eliminate anger, hostility, jealousy, prejudice and other negative vibrations from one's being
Containing manganese-a natural pain-remover, it is a wonderful remedy for headaches and other painful disorders
Sulphur is said in the crystal healing world to be a stone of energy and vitality which can help remove negative thoughts and feelings. Mystically, this is said to help decrease illness by taking away the mental/emotional component. The vitality properties of sulphur are said to bring protection and purification. It is used in metaphysics to purify and detoxify environments, thoughts, and even the energy fields of people. Traditional and mystical lore repute that sulphur is helpful for the skin, digestion, arthritis, recuperation, muscles, back-aches, feet, chemotherapy related discomforts and detoxification of substances or toxins. Sulphur is considered to be related primarily to the solar plexus chakra.
Sunstone (pale orange sparkly)
Sunstone is a powerful stone for dispelling fears and phobias of all kinds. It is also a leadership stone, and brings leadership qualities to its wearer. In addition to dispelling fears and phobias, sunstone also decreases stress and lifts depression. Sunstone also brings good luck and abundance, and turns negative energies and psychic attacks into positive energies. This stone increases personal power and will, as well as life force energy. Sunstone is also said to be helpful in contacting animal or spirit guides. Physically, sunstone is beneficial for general health, physical energy, sexual dysfunction, increasing sexual energy. Sunstone is associated with the sacral chakra.

Can be used to dissipate fear, alleviate stress and increase strength, vitality and endurance
Encourages independence, originality and imagination
Has been reported to facilitate contact with spirit guides, emitting a golden glow when used in medicine wheel ceremonies
Was used in ancient times to counteract poison and enhance stamina
Aids in the treatment of chronic sore throats, rheumatism, spinal problems and aching feet

Super& Melody Stone
a Super Seven Crystal Gemstone, also known as Sacred Seven and Melody's Stone, it is said to never need clearing or cleansing,
containing all the energies of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Goethite and Lepidocrocite combined. Even if all of these minerals are not clearly visible within the stone, their properties are still within the crystal. 
wonderful companion for those who are seeking to dispense with old ways.
       Said to represent the universal "brotherhood" of humanity,
also a tremendous assistance in awakening, stimulating, and developing psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
Tanzanite (gem Zoisite or blue/purple Zoisite) is called a "stone of magic" that helps with spiritual awareness and psychic insight. It is also sometimes called the "workaholic's stone". This is because it helps you slow down and take it easy. This in turn, brings success in more areas of life. It relieves stress and depression, and enhances composure, poise, and harmony. Tanzanite is also said to transmute negativity. Physically it is beneficial for stress related illnesses and high blood pressure in particular.
Tektites are used for wisdom, knowledge, and to help withstand mental or emotional "stumbling." They are also used to diminish or overcome challenges with mental processes. Psychically they are used for extraterrestrial communication, astral travel, and lucid dreaming. Tektites are also used to strengthen one's energy field.
Thulite, sometimes called unionite or pink zoisite is a stone of nurturing in a deep and full way. It aids understanding and healing the pains and illnesses caused by a lack of nurturing, even abuse. Crystal healers and psychic healers will find thulite helpful when working with survivors of incest, physical abuse, emotional abuse, abandonment, and neglect. Survivors themselves often find thulite comforting and helpful in combating self-sabotage, low self-esteem, and other life-long symptoms of abuse and neglect. Others will find that thulite can help them too, by helping them nurture themselves and those they love. Thulite is helpful for bringing healing of eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia, loneliness. Thulite helps bring nurturing love and understanding of love to one's life, and can help bring harmony in relationships or communities. In addition, thulite is a stone for the central nervous system that enhances coordination, concentration, and dexterity by bringing the mind and body into alignment together to work together at their highest capacity. Artists, craftspeople and others who work with their hands can find thulite extremely helpful. Athletes can also find thulite very helpful because of its boost of these qualities, which can improve their athletic performance. Thulite is usually related to the root chakra, particularly the darker shades, although it is also related to the heart chakra by many.

Tiffany Stone
Tiffany Stone (aka Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, Purple Opal) is a highly energetic but subtle stone. Psychically it helps with communication and interpretation of psychically received information of all kinds, including telepathic, channeled, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and others. Energetically it is excellent for removing energy blockages of the meridians and chakras. Tiffany Stone is helpful emotionally by assisting transitions during changes of all kinds, engendering persistence and emotional strength, and verbalizing hidden or secret feelings. Tiffany Stone is also beneficial for business and business success. Physically, Tiffany Stone boosts the sex drive and can enhance sexual experience, and is an all-around healing stone. Tiffany Stone is associated primarily with the third eye chakra.
TiTanite - Sphene (opaque olive colour)
Sphene or Titanite can be used to contact the Heavenly bodies within the Universe. It is a good stone to grid for growth of plants. It is a calming stone that stimulates the chakras providing a lightness in the physical body.
Tiger Eye
Brings together the energies of the sun and earth and is quite useful in grounding
Instills clarity in the mind when dealing with scattered details
Can assist in gently opening the third-eye and enhancing psychic abilities and can help eliminate the "blues
Has been used to stimulate and maintain the energies which bring wealth to the user
Can be used in treating the eye, throat and reproductive organs and aids in mending broken bones
Tiger eye gives insight into own shortcomings, increases personal power, heals any self criticism, releases bitterness and frustration. Grounds and balances the emotions. Brings cheerfulness and optimism. Helps soften stubbornness. 

Blue Tigers Eye, which is also known as Hawks Eye, enhances integrity of communication and practical communication. It can help find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Blue tigers eye can be used for protection, especially of the upper chakras. It is also said to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it. Blue tigers eye is associated primarily with the throat chakra. It also has the energies of the base Tiger Eye.
Tinaksite (black on pinkish matrix, (optic fibre starfish effect)
Tinaksite carries an energy that helps you in number of highly beneficial ways. It will clear mental clutter and negative thinking and will bring positive thinking and inspiration. It encourages you to find your true authentic path on your spiritual journey.

It has strong metaphysical properties that encourage you to let go of bitterness and negativity caused by past experiences. This stones energy assists to create privacy... as its vibration serves to make you less visible to anyone who may have been harassing you.

This is a positive stone generally... and it will particularly allow your emotional energy to change to a more positive frame of mind. It creates a tendency towards working within your life to find your true spiritual path.

It allows you to clear your mind of stuff that is no longer required... mental clutter that is obstructing your forward movement both intellectually and spiritually. The vibration of Tinaksite will help you to remove those things from your life which obstruct your progress forward.
Its energy within the third eye chakra not only allows for an abundance of positive thinking... but may stimulate flashes of inspiration. It allows you to eliminate negativity from both your way of thinking and from how you feel about past issues... which of course flows through to your present life.

A stone of success and manifestation in all endeavors when consciously directed toward the highest good of all
Promotes creativity and individuality while replacing negativity with love and joyfulness
A crystal of potency, enhances healing and visualization and links conscious direction of intentions to their manifestation
Aids in the healing of wounds and skin conditions
Natural colors of topaz work to clear, activate and stimulate
energy centers associated with these colors

Blue Topaz
Blue topaz brings leadership ability to anyone who wears or carries it. It also enhances and improves psychic knowledge, spiritual growth, and psychic insight. It also lends and air of tranquility in those endeavors. Blue Topaz is primarily associated with the upper chakras. Blue Topaz also has the energies of general Topaz.
White Topaz
White Topaz or Silver Topaz is the clear colorless variety of Topaz. It may also be called Clear Topaz or Silver Topaz. This stone aids you with deciphering your intentions and aligning them with Divine will. It is a strong stone within the crown chakra, the soul star chakra and higher transpersonal chakras.
This is a stone to aid you to have greater mental clarity and order and allowing your life to directed by guidance received from spirit. It aids development of psychic powers and it has a strong magnification energy that will aid manifestation to happen more quickly.
Mystic Topaz
Mystic Topaz is white topaz that's treated with a permanent bond to have a wide variety of colors, the blue-greens being the best known. As with Aqua Aura Quartz, some people believe that Mystic Topaz has no metaphysical properties because of its treatment. I don't find that to be the case, though. My experience is that everything that exists has its own energy -- it almost has to, as science is now showing us what mystics have known for eons that everything is made of energy -- and however something comes to be how it is today can change its energy, but it definitely has energy. Mystic Topaz has a combination of the properties of topaz and the color energies brought to the stone through its permanently bonded color.
Tourmaline increases flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion and serenity. It also enhances tolerance and understanding. It is a stone that is very helpful for channeling. Tourmaline is also a very protecting stone. Tourmaline is often associated with the heart chakra, particularly watermelon tourmaline, where it opens one to accept love. Other colors of tourmaline are associated with the chakra of the same color.

Can aid in diminishing fear by promoting understanding Helps attract inspiration and boost self-confidence
Has been used to provide insight in times of trouble or frustration and enhances healing and creativity
Assists in balancing the energies of the left and right brain
Each natural color of tourmaline has its own special properties and attributes
Tourmaline points
Tourmaline points are useful healing tools. They clear the aura, remove blockages, disperse negative energy and point to solutions for specific problems. They are excellent for balancing and connecting the chakras. At a physical level they rebalance the meridians.

Black Tourmaline is one of the premier stones for our age. It has the ability to transmute and purify negative energy. This is especially important as one fully opens one's psychic and empathic abilities - black tourmaline acts to protect one's energy field from attachments, entities and energetic debris.
Pink Tourmaline
The vibration of this pink stone will encourage a more cheerful frame of mind and help you to rise above feelings of misery and sorrow. They supply you with helpful ways to relieve stress... and are one of the best choices to buy for this purpose, as they have such a lovely calming energy.

It may encourage a new way of thinking and is a positive stone for enhancing creativity. The vibration of this stone will also stimulate your crown chakra... and merge this energy with that of the heart and thymus chakras... to empower you to live your life from a higher spiritual perspective, and allow Divine love to guide your life.
Tremolite (pale lilac/whitish)
Tremolite is one of the high vibration crystals, and resonates with a powerful energy. Its energy is felt within the highest chakras... and is particularly noticeable at both the third eye and crown chakra. Its energy is known to help you to open new pathways in the brain, allowing you to access the morphic field of knowledge.

You may progress up from the crown chakras into the transpersonal chakras... where you will be enabled to access information available in the spiritual realms. It has a powerful resonance that is so compelling that it is hard to pull out of it... but it creates such deep peace and harmony that you have no desire to do so.
This is a high crystal energy stone that will assist you to access ancient mystical information. The connection that you feel at the higher chakras is quite powerful and deeply spiritual. Tremolite is not a stone to simply sit down and use and go on with your day. It is best used later in the day, or when you have nowhere to go afterwards.

This stone has a powerful vibration that helps you to activate the third eye chakra, crown chakra, soul star chakra and the higher transpersonal chakras... and will help you to take the next step needed to move to a new state of being spiritually.

Sleeping with this stone under the pillow after your meditation, brings deep peace and absolute serenity. The dreams that come under this stones influence are quite detailed and seem to have deep meaning... and are worth keeping a journal, to enable you to use the information for your spiritual growth.
Tsavorite (bottle green opaque)
Tsavorite is a gem grade type of Grossular Garnet which is sometimes called Tsavolith or Tsavorite Garnet. As a type of Grossular Garnet it has both Grossular Garnet and its own energetic properties. Tsavorite is a stone of manifestation, prosperity, vitality, and benevolence. It is often found to be very uplifting. Tsavorite is a stone that is said to help find the inner beauty both in oneself and others. It is said to help one live one's own destiny rather than struggling along a path that is not truly theirs. Tsavorite is not only a stone of prosperity, but it decreases financial anxieties. This crystal is used in metapysics to contact the spiritual world and higher planes, and is even said to allow one contact with Greek and Egyptian gods. Tsavorite not only affects the energy of the person wearing it or carrying it beneficially, but also other people nearby. Physically, Tsavorite is used in crystal healing and folk medicine for cell growth, quicker healing, heart problems, disorders of the five senses. Tsavorite is related to the heart and solar plexus chakras.
Tugtupite (looks like white quartz with pink and green patches)
Tugtupite is a rare pink crystal that holds the harmony of deep love within it. This stone has the pureness of intense deep love... and its vibration has the intensity to reawaken lost love and unremembered passion.

This stone's resonance within you, may remove your sense of neutrality or apathy about love... if you acquiesce to its loving energy. It will transform anyone who chooses to embrace its intensity.

This is a stone of unconditional love, so as you may imagine it is a strong chakra stone, for both the heart chakra and the thymus or higher heart chakra. By choosing to use this natural crystal... you will open both of these chakras.

This stones vibration will excite these chakras and aid you in feeling the totality and fullness of love... in all its magnificence! Tugtupite will heighten and intensify feelings of love, as it is specifically able to enhance passion, romance and fertility.

This may sound wonderful... yet be aware that this stone is about love in all its many variations. Many of you may find that using it is a little unpleasant, because it will include both the positive and negative feelings that are connected with the emotion of love.

Often strong sentiments of grief and sorrow from the past... of love lost, may accompany the opening of your heart. Although this may not be agreeable... these emotions can then be released, and you may find that you are able to make impressive spiritual growth.
Aids in stimulating communication skills, creativity, intuition and emotional issues
An excellent stone for grounding and is said to change color to warn of danger or indicate infidelity in thoughts or actions
Brings peace of mind and bestows goodness upon the user
Having male and female attributes itself, it can help to balance those aspects and energies of the user
A "master healer" it can dissipate negative energies at the physical emotional and mental levels, strengthens the body, aids in the rejuvenation of those tissues, increases circulation and helps alleviate headaches
Turquoise is sacred to both Native American and oriental traditions. It is associated with the sky, and bringing sky energy to earth. It can help promote honest and clear communication from the heart. It is also said to protect against pollution in the environment, and to bring abundance. Turquoise can also help speed the healing process, and is known as a master healer stone. It is very powerful for grounding and protection also. Turquoise is associated with the throat chakra primarily.

Turitella (shell fossil)
Fossilized agate: Reveals humility so one does not abuse personal power. Promotes ideas of protection over attack. Conveys strength and courage. Helps discern truth and accept circumstances. Grounding but energetic.
Turitella Agate
Turitella (Turitella agate) is a protective stone. It is especially good protection against spells. As with all fossils, it can help increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas. Traditionally, Turitell has been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments of the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.
Ulexite is called the "TV Stone" because it, when placed on top of writing and looking through it at the right angle, can make the writing appear to be reflected in the stone, though not all specimens are shaped or cut so this is practicable. Ulexite is a stone of far-seeing clairvoyance. This far sight can be far in time, far in distance, or both. This stone is said to bring balance and actualization. Ulexite is said to help read the energy of others, including their intentions. Ulexite is excellent for remote viewing, telepathy and channeling. It is also said to be an excellent stone of creativity bringing inspiration and promoting imagination. It is said to help get past creative blocks in any endeavor that creativity is needed. Ulexite is a natural fiber-optic stone. Physically Ulexite is reputed in crystal healing and folklore to be helpful for eyes, eyesight, pineal gland, balance, brain. It is said to harmonize body and spirit. Ulexite is related to the crown chakra and stimulation of the third eye chakra.

Unakite is a stone with gentle but powerful energy. It can assist  in finding one's animal guide. It is also a stone that is helpful for gardening. Unakite is also a good protection stone. Unakite brings unconditional love of humanity, connection and reunion. Unakite is considered to be very helpful for pregnancy and childbirth. It can help with healing of abandonment and separation issues. Unakite is said to benefit the heart, circulatory system, and reproductive system and ease pregnancy.

Vanandinite (red cube structured)
Vanadinite is a strong earth chakra stone... and embodies an energy that aids spiritual grounding. It also aligns the chakras... and links the mind and the energy of the third eye chakra to all of the chakras below the heart. By bringing the higher energies down to the earth it grounds you physically, and makes you totally aware and fully present within your body. It helps you to have the energy to persist when the going gets tough... and it aids mental clarity and brings determination and persistence.
Variscite (green and yelllow shimmer)
Variscite is a soothing stone. It is sometimes called a "true worry stone" because it eases fear, tension, anxiety, worry, and impatience. It also relieves stress and depression, and can give courage and inner strength. Variscite can help calm the mind and help it be still, which makes it an excellent stone for meditation. Variscite can be a benefit for intuition and psychic perceptions, and is excellent for past-life recall. Physically, variscite is used for helping strengthen cells and tissues, blood problems, nervous system, kidneys, muscles and bones. It is also used for male reproductive healing, including impotence.
Vesuvianite (purple quartz like base with green points)
Vesuvianite is also called Idocrase. This stone is about having the courage to make changes in your life. It has a strong vibration that will assist you to follow your hearts desire. Its energy assists you to override the energy of the ego... and to embrace the desires of the Higher self and the true yearnings of the heart.
Vogesite is a form of Jasper that comes from South Africa. It's a multi-colored jasper / chalcedony with patterns and swirls of golden yellow, reds, olives, browns, and ivory.   


Assists one in seeing the whole picture prior to making any decisions
Aids one in managing difficult situations while helping one to recognize the methods needed to overcome these difficulties
Especially effective during new moon, enhances psychic abilities and intuition
Aids in balancing the red and white blood cell count and has assisted in the treatment of dermatitis
Wonderstone (looks like banded agate)
Wonderstone is a type of rhyolite that grows with gorgeous patterns of creams, yellows, pinks and reds. As with all rhyolite, it is an excellent meditation stone, and enhances creativity. It brings energies of tranquility and helps eliminate worries. It also helps reduce or eliminate depression and anxiety, giving an overall sense of wellbeing. Wonderstond can also bring mental clarity and give insight into the right course of action. Physically, wonderstone has been used to help with back pain, and abdominal pain. Wonderstone is associated with the sacral chakra, particularly in connection to the heart chakra.


Zincite  (looks like Kyanite)
Brings together creativity, physical vitality and personal power
Acts to attract others of like mind and aids in promoting group effort
Can help to enhance and further the physical aspects of relationships
Can be used to treat conditions of the hair, skin and prostate gland
Zincite in metaphysical lore is a stone of synthesis. It can bring together seeminly disparate or chaotic energies and synthesize them to work together well. It is particularly wellknown from Melody's books to synethesize energies of personal power, physical energy, and creativity. This makes it a powerful stone for boosting creative energies in a way that brings creations to fruition. It is often used to remove energy blockages, as well as being used in Radionics. Zincite can also synthesize groups of people or things, bringing together like-minded people and promoting their efforts as a group. Yellow zincite in particular can bring or boost a strong sense of one's own personal power and enable one to use it. Zincite is used in crystal healing lore to treat chronic fatigue, AIDS and other auto-immune problems, bronchitis, and candida, as well as prevention of epileptic seizure. Zincite is related to the lower chakras.
Zircon is known as stone of Virtue, bringing our virtuous nature back into balance with the universal forces. Zircon symbolizes innocence, purity and constancy. Zircon promotes unions including the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Joining spirit in the physical. Opens us to higher realms. Zircon is a stone of high intensity and focus, increasing our energy levels and helping us integrating spiritual energy into physical reality. It is a great stone for those who don't wish to give up their ideals but need to take earthly measures to function in this plane. It gives strength of purpose to the desires we wish to see.

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