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Monday, May 2, 2011

Crystal Formations

A crystal with smaller crystals attached to the base or side
A bringer of Abundance, Prosperity, Good Health
Excellent for fighting depression and recharging
energy levels

Crystals covered with smaller crystals. The larger crystal is considered to be "Old Soul" and contains the wisdom and trust which attracts the smaller crystals. Can be used in meditation to provide insights to family and/or community problems.

A large crystal with a smaller crystal or crystals which is/are growing through or partly through the larger crystal. It is believed to facilitate "bridging" between the inner and outer worlds and between the self and others. It is a very useful aide when working with the different areas of spirituality and advanced metaphysical areas.

A crystal with another smaller crystal penetrating the main crystal
Excellent stone for working with the "inner child"
Reminds us to love and accept ourselves
Tremendous for relieving sadness or stress

In this type of Crystal, the largest face is 7 sided and located in the center front position of the terminated end of the crystal and is opposite a small triangular face on the opposite side. It is useful in meditation and for getting answers to specific questions. When the large face is held to the brow chakra or rubbed with the thumb, it can help to access intuition. It also helps provide a connection to the higher wisdom of the higher realms and higher self.

Several crystals which have grown together or are on a base. They cleanse the environment of negative energy, offer protection, purification and are also wonderful for helping to cleanse other crystals.

A large crystal with a smaller one attached to the side
Protects the defenseless, sensitive, insecure or vulnerable
Helps us learn to receive abundance and to nurture ourselves
as well as others
Assists in working with all traumas, including abuse

A crystal that is naturally terminated on both ends (pointed). These crystals don't grow on a matrix like other crystals do, they form by crystallizing in soft muddy or sandy conditions. Double terminated crystals are useful in healing because they can move energy in 2 directions at the same time and can act as a bridge between 2 energy points. They're useful in unblocking negative energy, they promote psychic ability and dream recall, and are an excellent all around balancing tool.

DRUSY (Pronounced "Drew-zee")
Drusy appears as a "crystal dusting" on the clusters and points. It's actually just tiny tiny crystals that have formed in these areas.

A crystal with a drop of water trapped inside
Unites imagination with practicality, bringing about sensibility in all endeavors
Excellent for personal metamorphosis and assists greatly in
times of transition

The Elestial Crystal , also known as skeletal quartz, is generally recognized by it's peculiar shape and form. Natural terminations occur over the body and face looking like steps or etched layers. Most elestials are smokey quartz though other varieties can be found. Used to assist one in overcoming emotional burdens, and revealing hidden secrets, to bring the heart and intellect into synchronicity.

Empathic crystals are ones which are damaged or chipped in some way. They promote understanding, kindness, compassion and empathy.

A crystal which has suffered severe damage
Aids tremendously when working with addictions
Reminds us to have compassion for others, without losing our own energy
Represents the ability to conquer all adversities, and demonstrates that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

A crystal with a single termination at one end and multiple terminations at the other end. It is believed this crystal will help channel space beings, celestial beings and guardian angels.

A crystal with a milky white line running inside the crystal
can assist one in astral travel
has been used as a stone for protection during air travel
helps one to find their "complement" on the physical plane
can help provide physical, emotional and mental stability
aids in "mending" on all levels and can be used to promote flexibility

Clear crystal with fractures and inclusions within . Helps facilitate communication with the spirits in nature and to open our hearts to the beauty and magic of nature.

GENERATOR CRYSTALS also sometimes called "MERLIN" Crystals
Generator crystals, recognized as having 6 equal sides and 6 faces that meet together at a centrally located point. These crystals are rare and much sought after. They are useful for stimulating all portions of the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and subtle bodies. They have a general all purpose energy field useful in charging spaces with positive energy.

A crystal that has indentations on the outside of it caused by another crystal growing against it.

A crystal with an extra face on the left side of the largest face
Helps stimulate the female energies of healing and creativity
Represents the energy which is coming into the soul
Encourages patience, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness

A crystal which has an extra face on the right side of largest face
Helps to activate the logical, verbal and intellectual left side of the brain
Encourages learning and study, and is great for working with ego

Recognized by a large 5 sided face. This crystal is known as having the ability to put you in touch with your feminine energy.

Recognized by an indent that is a three or six-sided shape located on the crystal. Resembles a hole in the side of the crystal and becomes narrower as it goes within the crystal. It is used to unlock the doors to healing concepts and aides in answering questions about the self.

A crystal with a 3 or 6-sided recessed shape somewhere on
the crystal
Can be used to "unlock the doors" to healing or psychic awareness
Helps you to access missing information

A long slender crystal with pronounced tapering toward a very small point. The crystal is wider at the base than at the tip and their sides are usually curved or bent looking .These are wonderful for concentrating a tight beam of energy on a small area or to stimulate an area hidden within the body such as a gland. They are also useful aides in removing debris from the subtle bodies.

A larger crystal with a tiny crystal floating free within it
These crystals are quite rare and represent manifesting "the
greatest good for the greatest number"
Aid tremendously in stimulating psychic and spiritual awakening
Serves as a reminder of the master teacher within.
Manifestation Crystal - A crystal with a small crystal totally enclosed within is a called a Manifestation crystal. It is believed to help people who have had a traumatic―physically or emotionally―childhoods. They are helpful for people who are blocking painful memories. They help bring the cause of the pain to the surface and allow the person to successfully deal with it.

A crystal which has many, naturally etched geometric shapes
Contains within it all the information presently available
to humanity
A master programmer of all record keeper crystals
Great for communication with guides, teachers or Higher Self

A long, clear extremely narrow crystal
A wonderful tool for alternative and vibrational healing
Can help to "stitch together" scattered patterns of energy
Extremely effective when used with acupressure points

Are recognized by what appears to be the shadow of a crystal inside a larger crystal. Phantom crystals make good meditation pieces creating deeper levels of awareness and memory recall.

Rainbow crystals are crystals which have rainbows inside of them that can be seen when viewed in bright light. These rainbow crystals bring rainbows into ones life and are a very special gift from the spirit-keeper of the crystal. They assist in dealing l with negativity.

Record Keeper crystals have small triangular shaped markings on one or more facets of a crystal. They look as though they've been drawn, etched , carved or shaved with this triangular marking. Record Keepers are a crystal within which wisdom is stored. It is thought that when one properly attunes with this crystal, the ancient knowledge and profound secrets of the universe can be psychically retrieved. They have been programmed by the beings who created the energies which have culminated life on this plane. Many feel left by the Atlanteans and the Lemurians .

A crystal with one or more flat sides
Wonderful for all types of alternative and vibrational healing
Aids in the diagnosis by scanning the body, then stores the
scanned information for later retrieval.

Recognized as a larger terminated crystal that forms around the top of a crystal rod. They act amplifiers of radiant energy and are excellent at directing healing energy. They assist in bringing the spirituality of the higher planes into the healing.

Crystals which have healed themselves of their broken or cracked end by sealing over their break and/or crack. These crystals are considered powerful healers because of their ability to have healed themselves.

Flat, broken pieces of self-healed crystals
Symbolizes the freedom to be who you are
Represents an incredible ability to find the healing within
Great stone for stress and depression.

Two crystals of equal length and size growing side by side
Symbolizes the union of two soul mates
Helps to balance and complement relationships on all levels
Can aid in accessing past life experiences or memories.

Similar to the Window Crystal, only instead of a regular diamond, the diamond slants to the left or the right. These crystals are used to shift awareness to different time, places and dimensions. Some say a parallelogram leaned to the right will reveal futures, while on e to the left will reveal the past. When a crystal has more than one parallelogram, each acts as a doorway to a different level of reality.

Two similar sized crystals which have grown together and attached side by side. They promote tender communication and togetherness and assist in helping us find our soul-mate on a personal level.

Two crystals of similar size joined at the base only
Symbolizes two souls with a strong foundation together, but
who celebrate each other's differences
Attracts like minded, spiritual companions.

Recognized by 2 large flat slides making a wide, thin, flat crystal. To enhance communication, creativity, smooth energy flow and integration of ideas and balance.

Tantric Twin Crystals are crystals who share a common base but who have two separate and distinct points (terminations).  They are literally two heads
on one body.  The terminations on a Tantric Twin may or may not be of the same length or height but they must be born from a common base or body.
These are not two side-by side individual crystals, but one crystal with two points.  Tantric Twins are not Soul Mate or Spirit Guardians.  Some Tantric
Twins are also called Japanese Twins and are exact mirror images of one another.
The word tantra itself is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning union.  Your most important union is always first with your True Self.  The ultimate union is
when your Soul becomes one with you Original Source, however you personally see that – as the Life Force, All That Is, the Tao, or God.
Tantric Twins work diligently and single-mindedly to help you with human relationships of all kinds.  They prepare you to allow your twin essence or soul
mate into your life at a very high energy level.
Tantric Twins are extraordinarily effective when working with the bonding of two individuals who are already intimately connected, and a Tantric Twin is
one of the best choices for two people who are already deeply united and wish to explore and strengthen that bond even further.
Use your Tantric Twin just as you would any tantric tool or procedure, including sexual bonding.  Employed effectively, a Tantric Twin will lead you into the
discipline of tantra, the true aim of which is to free the spark of Divine Light hidden within each human being, including you.  You can also use a Tantric
Twin to help you see through the illusions of Time and Space and begin the process of understanding the nonspatial concepts of Nirvana, a place of
awareness totally devoid of content, the place of Non-Being.

 Symbolizes union with the One, the All
 Represents the Spiritual Lover
 One of THE Power Stones – use with caution
 Excellent Dream Stone
 Helps you attract and hold on to love
 Aids in achieving union with your Higher Self
 Enhances compatibility between individuals
 Stimulates and magnifies you natural sensuality on all levels, not just sexual
 Good meditation stone for lovers
 An excellent energy shield
 Helps you learn to deal with all relationships at a more realistic level
 Provides you with a mirror of your other half, your twin essence
 Helps you learn to hold and then more productively release energy
 An excellent choice when working with lessons concerning human sexuality
 Leads you toward the release of the spark of Divine Light or energy within

Recognized by 3 seven sided faces separated on each side by a triangular face. Known as the 7-3-7-3-7-3 configuration. They combine the qualities of the transmitter and channeler crystal. It is the crystal for creativity and service to humanity through both spiritual and mystical pursuits. The Dow Crystal is actually named after one of the early channelers, Janeann Dow.

A crystal having the configuration of 7-3-7-3-7-3
These crystals combine the  and  capabilities.

A crystal with two 7 sided faces and a triangle between them
The 7-3-7 configuration representing personal power held in balance by the energy of perfect order
Excellent tool for sending love, light, healing, prayers etc...
Allows for the connection to the highest wisdom and enhances the transference of that knowledge.

Transmitters are recognized by two seven sided faces with a perfect triangular face between them, creating a 7-3-7 configuration. These crystals aide in connecting to the higher self and the higher wisdom. Excellent for helping find answers to questions.

A crystal with a damaged point
Enhances personal truths, integrity, and helps one to live a "right-minded life
Helps one to know the "warrior within" and aids in
fighting one's inner-most fears
A wonderful stone for protection and safe-guarding spirit.

A Window Crystal
is recognized by a "window" located in the front center of the crystal.
Properties Lore: Window crystals are powerful teaching crystals. They can transmit knowledge via meditation or contemplation of the "window". They are used for enhancing seeing, clairvoyance, scrying and many other forms of divination.

A crystal that is half masculine & half feminine ( meaning half clear & , half cloudy). Embodies both aspects... the Yin and the Yang, providing balance.

Two crystals which naturally form an "x"
Balances the yin/yang energies
Helps you to build and maintain self-confidence and self-esteem
Enhances the male warrior attributes.

Two crystals which naturally form a "y"
Symbolizes the innocent roots of humanity
Aids in the development of intuitive and psychic abilities
Enhances the female warrior attributes

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